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Bored so doing one only with songs I have not seen live yet


Interesting set idea... Songs we haven't heard yet..


Challenge accepted.


  1. [JFK] + Defector
  2. Shrinking Universe
  3. Futurism
  4. Muscle Museum
  5. Sing for Absolution
  6. Crying Shame
  7. Recess
  8. Butterflies and Hurricanes
  9. Apocalypse Please
  10. Ruled by Secrecy
  11. Space Dementia
  12. The Small Print
  13. Assassin
  14. MK Ultra
  15. Invincible
  16. Eternally Missed
  17. Unnatural Selection
  18. The Globalist
  19. Sunburn
  20. Megalomania
  21. Glorious
  22. Showbiz
  23. Take a Bow

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Night 1:


01. Psycho

02. Dead Star

03. Plug In Baby

04. Map of the Problematique

05. Dead Inside

06. Citizen Erased

07. Ruled By Secrecy

08. Sunburn

09. Mercy

10. Supermassive Black Hole

11. The Handler

12. Revolt

13. Defector

14. Madness

15. The Globalist


16. Take A Bow

17. Uprising

18. Reapers


Night 2:


01. Knights of Cydonia

02. Bliss

03. Stockholm Syndrome

04. Psycho

05. Dead Inside

06. MK Ultra

07. Assassin

08. Exogenesis III

09. New Born

10. Revolt

11. Starlight

12. Time is Running Out

13. Defector

14. Butterflies & Hurricanes

15. Reapers


16. The Handler

17. Muscle Museum

18. The Globalist

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Night 1:




Plug in Baby

Dead Inside

Citizen Erased

**isolated System**

The Handler

Interlude + Hysteria

Supermassive Black Hole

Prelude + Starlight

Apocalypse Please

Munich Jam


JFK + Defector



Time is Running Out

Stockholm Syndrome

The Globalist


Take a Bow


Knights of Cydonia



Night 2:




Plug in Baby

Dead Inside

Butterflies & Hurricanes

**Isolated System**

The Handler

Map of the Problematique

Supermassive Black Hole

Prelude + Starlight

United States of Eurasia

Munich Jam

Undisclosed Desires

JFK + Revolt


Time is Running Out


New Born

The Globalist


Take a Bow


Knights of Cydonia

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Riot Intro

1. Reapers

2. Psycho

3. New Born

4. Bliss

5. Map of the Problematique

6. Dead Inside

7. Hysteria

8. Citizen Erased

Isolated System

9. The Handler

10. Stockholm Syndrome

11. Apocalypse Please

12. Sunburn

13. Revolt

14. Mercy

15. Time is Running Out

16. Supermassive Black Hole

17. Uprising

18. The Globalist


19. Defector

20. Plug in Baby

21. Knights of Cydonia

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Riot Intro

1. Reapers

2. Psycho

3. New Born

4. Bliss

5. Map of the Problematique

6. Dead Inside

7. Hysteria

8. Citizen Erased

Isolated System

9. The Handler

10. Stockholm Syndrome

11. Apocalypse Please

12. Sunburn

13. Revolt

14. Mercy

15. Time is Running Out

16. Supermassive Black Hole

17. Uprising

18. The Globalist


19. Defector

20. Plug in Baby

21. Knights of Cydonia



In terms of flow (and song choice) this is one of the best I've seen... Can we forward this to the band? Haha!

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Riot Intro

1. Reapers

2. Psycho

3. New Born

4. Bliss

5. Map of the Problematique

6. Dead Inside

7. Hysteria

8. Citizen Erased

Isolated System

9. The Handler

10. Stockholm Syndrome

11. Apocalypse Please

12. Sunburn

13. Revolt

14. Mercy

15. Time is Running Out

16. Supermassive Black Hole

17. Uprising

18. The Globalist


19. Defector

20. Plug in Baby

21. Knights of Cydonia


Brilliant. And The Handler/Stockholm pairing would be absolutely killer!

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... well, if they wanna play it off their own bat, April 12th works for me. :chuckle:


Although now I think it could use one of those I haven't seen. Maybe Butterflies or Assassin.


Butterflies is huge live. And it was a top 40 hit... It should be played more

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Semi-realistic for Drones tour... with a few of my own quirky preferences, so I cheated and made it a little longer (i.e. European sized, but who wouldn't want like 2+ hrs of Muse??).



01. Reapers

02. Stockholm Syndrome + riff(s)

03. Psycho

04. Dead Inside

05. Assassin

06. The Handler

07. Interlude

08. Hysteria + riff(s)

09. Supermassive Black Hole

10. Panic Station

11. Bliss

12. Munich Jam

13. Madness

14. Sunburn

15. Feeling Good

16. New Born

17. Dead Star

18. House of the Rising Sun intro + Time Is Running Out

19. Plug In Baby



20. Citizen Erased

21. Uprising

22. The Globalist


[Drones Reprise]

23. Intro + Apocalypse Please

24. Man with a Harmonica + Knights of Cydonia


In my dream scenario:


  • The end of Reapers bridges into SS, which does one or two riffs then bridges into the Psycho riff that doubles as the start of Psycho.
  • I'd love for Assassin to blend into The Handler, but I believe they use different guitars, so in reality, that probably couldn't happen. But the end of The Handler would fade straight into Interlude.
  • I like SMBH and PS back to back, as they're both the funky songs, and if they ended SMBR similar to how they did in H.A.A.R.P., it could roll seamlessly into PS.
  • Madness wouldn't really be in my perfect setlist, but I'm being "semi-realistic." :p
  • Sunburn/Feeling Good/New Born are the piano section.
  • End of New Born can bridge right into Dead Star, as though it was an outro riff, only it's the whole song. :D
  • End of JFK uses Defector's opening guitar squeal to go into CE's opening guitar licks.

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**Drones** (with Reapers interruption)



New Born / Assassin

Map of the Problematique / Bliss

Dead Inside

Citizen Erased / Butterflies & Hurricanes

**Isolated System**


The Handler

Interlude + Hysteria

Supermassive Black Hole


Apocalypse Please / United States of Eurasia

Munich Jam

Madness / Resistance

JFK + Revolt / Defector

Time is Running Out

Stockholm Syndrome / Take a Bow

The Globalist




Knights of Cydonia

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Ideal/"Realistic" (lol jk) for Drones Tour in Sydney (assuming it does get here). Night 1/Night 2


{Drill Sergeant} Psycho

Dead Star/Assassin

The Handler

{Interlude} - Hysteria/Plug In Baby

Map of the Problematique

Dead Inside

Supermassive Black Hole

Citizen Erased/Butterflies and Hurricanes

Apocalypse Please/Sunburn

{Munich Jam}

Undisclosed Desires



Time Is Running Out

Reapers/New Born

Stockholm Syndrome/Reapers



The Globalist




Knights of Cydonia

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Going off current setlists id want to see something similar to this.



01 Reapers

02 [Drill Sergeant] + Psycho

03 Dead Inside

04 Map Of The Problematique

05 Citizen Erased

06 The 2nd Law: Isolated System

07 The Handler

08 Bliss (Extended Version)

09 Supermassive Black Hole

10 Prelude + Survival

11 Intro + Apocalypse Please

12 Munich Jam

13 Animals

14 Unnatural Selection

15 [J.F,K] + Defector

16 Revolt

17 Time Is Running Out

18 Stockholm Syndrome

== encore 1

19 Unintended

20 Blackout

21 Aftermath

22 The Globalist


---encore 2

23 Mercy

24 Plug In Baby

25 Knights Of Cydonia

Edited by lew99
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[Drill Sergeant]


New Born

Supermassive Black Hole

Micro Cuts

The Handler

Dead Inside

Apocalypse Please

United States of Eurasia











Stockholm Syndrome

The Globalist






Knights of Cydonia


Built on Muse's current setlist structure with a much needed rock edge added, while retaining some of the poppier songs.

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[JFK] + Psycho


Dead Inside


Supermassive Black Hole / Interlude + Hysteria

MOTP / Bliss / Dead Star

Butterflies & Hurricanes / New Born

Apocalypse Please / USOE / Sunburn / RBS

Sing For Absolution / Muscle Museum

Isolated System + The Handler


Defector / Revolt

Plug In Baby (ext.)


Host + TIRO

Stockholm Syndrome


*Con-Science instrumental (short)*

Citizen Erased

The Globalist + Drones

Take A Bow / Hoodoo

Knights Of Cydonia


might be a bit poo probably a bit poo who knows im sleepy


p.s you may be thinking 'where's madness?' - exactly

Edited by Jobby
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Festivals set for the tour:


**Drill Sergeant**


Supermassive Black Hole

Dead Inside

New Born / Bliss

Interlude + Hysteria

Map of the Problematique / Bliss

The Handler

Citizen Erased / Survival / Butterflies & Hurricanes

Apocalypse Please / Feeling Good

Munich Jam



Time is Running Out

Plug in Baby


Stockholm Syndrome




Knights of Cydonia

Edited by Rustyy
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In celebration of Agitated Barrowlands release, going to do a setlist for it


1. Psycho ( Big Weekend 15)

2. Futurism ( Zepp 13)

3. Uno ( Werchter 15)

4. Hysteria ( Werchter 15)

5. Micro Cuts ( Werchter 15)

6. The Handler ( Werchter 15)

7. Stockholm Syndrome ( Mayan 15)

8. Agitated ( Barrowlands 15)

9. Apocalypse Please ( Werchter 15)

10. Space Dementia ( Reading 11)

11. Hyper Music ( Reading 11)

12. Dead Star ( V Fest 08)

13. Munich Jam ( Werchter 15)

14. Dead Inside ( Werchter 15)

15. Supermassive Black Hole ( Werchter 15)

16. Plug In Baby ( ACL 13)

17. Time Is Running Out ( Werchter 15)

18. Reapers ( Werchter 15)


19. Isolated Systerm ( ACL 13)

20. Uprising ( ACL 13)

21. Showbiz ( Reading 06)

22. Mercy ( Werchter 15)

23. Knights of Cydonia ( Mayan 2015)

Edited by Tuck Norris 85
Edited because Muse did not time travel at ACL
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1. Psycho

2. Plug in Baby

3. Muscle Museum

4. Dead Star

5. Map of the Problematique

6. Dead Inside

7. Butterflies and Hurricanes

8. Citizen Erased

9. Apocalypse Please

10. Sunburn

11. Mercy

12. Bliss

13. Time is Running Out

14. Supermassive Black Hole

15. Uprising

16. Reapers

17. Stockholm Syndrome

18. Agitated


Isolated System

19. The Handler

20. Hysteria

21. Knights of Cydonia

Edited by forevermusic
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Festive set list to be played with Christmas decorations that light up / act as the stage etc


What's He Building In There? (W/Santa workshop graphics)

New Born

Dead Star (with star at night lighting)

Supermassive Black Hole


Panic Station

Guiding Light (star at night lighting)

Plug in Baby

Interlude + Hysteria

Map of the Problematique


Neutron Star Collision

Sing for Absolution

Big Freeze (snow etc)


Animals (Christmas capitalism video screens)


Time is Running Out

Stockholm Syndrome


Knights of Cydonia


Bliss (with HullaBaubles)

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A slightly improved Drones arena tour setlist for the US



Map of the Problematique + Maggie's Farm / Interlude + Hysteria

Dead Inside

Supermassive Black Hole

Plug In Baby / Bliss (extended) / Citizen Erased

Isolated System + The Handler

Revolt / Resistance

Prelude + Starlight


Munich Jam

Apocalypse Please / USoE

JFK + Reapers / JFK + Defector

House of the Rising Sun + Time Is Running Out

Uprising (extended)

Stockholm Syndrome + Agitated riff / New Born + Headup riff

The Globalist + Drones


Crowd request / rarity (just like Psycho tour)


Knights of Cydonia


This is pretty much everything what the band had played but organized in new rotations and a new order, plus MoTP, Defector, SS / NB and a rarity slot...

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A slightly improved Drones arena tour setlist for the US



Map of the Problematique + Maggie's Farm / Interlude + Hysteria

Dead Inside

Supermassive Black Hole

Plug In Baby / Bliss (extended) / Citizen Erased

Isolated System + The Handler

Revolt / Resistance

Prelude + Starlight


Munich Jam

Apocalypse Please / USoE

JFK + Reapers / JFK + Defector

House of the Rising Sun + Time Is Running Out

Uprising (extended)

Stockholm Syndrome + Agitated riff / New Born + Headup riff

The Globalist + Drones


Crowd request / rarity (just like Psycho tour)


Knights of Cydonia


This is pretty much everything what the band had played but organized in new rotations and a new order, plus MoTP, Defector, SS / NB and a rarity slot...


Slightly improved? This would make me happy and that's an accomplishment in itself.

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But we know that the most that could happen would be something similar to that except UD instead of a rarity slot :LOL: (i.e. the T2L-quality sets again)


I'd be happy with T2L-quality sets because I think that was a huge step up in terms of production, set rotation and willingness to mix it up at the various shows. T2L was a great example of a big production done right.


This tour seems like it's The Resistance Tour 2.0 in the worst ways imaginable, and UD can fuck right off. A lot of people use the production as an excuse but look at the visuals, they're generic as can be. Literally any other song that isn't being played on piano could use the same visual assets.

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