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A Muse video Game/movie/music video


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I had a dream the other night about Muse and I feel like it would make an awesome game/movie/music video. Basically Matthew figured out that he could control peoples minds with music, and he used this power to take over the world! The band became the evil overlords of the world, with Matthew as supreme overlord, Chris as his mighty henchman (He drove a giant bass playing robot that basically destroyed what he wanted with a simple cord), and Dominic became his mad scientist who experimented for better ways to control people. The problem was that people that were used to listening to Muse music seemed to be immune to the hypnotic noises that the band had created to control people. Muse let all those immune to their spell become the greater power of the world, but there were those of us who believe that people needed their freedom and we led a resistance against Muse, and tried to find artist around the world that could help find a way to stop people from being controlled. Basically me and three friends went around and kicked Muse droney ass, to get to Bellamy and stop him. I would slice people with my duel swords, Connor used a electric guitar looking axe, Marco carried a large keyboard with guns inside (think Wolf from Trigun), and Dan stood in the back with his computer and just sort of supported us with whatever we needed.


On a sidenote. So excited to see them in Charlotte in September!

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