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Tour Diary: Backstage Photos with Muse (Vanity Fair)


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love it very much :happy:


is there an answer to the last question or just dom's face?


They preferred to leave that hanging. :LOL: I can guess the intention! :LOL:


That was cool.


Kind of funny to see the sentences without knowing who was saying them though. I'd hazard a guess that Matt said "we don't have the right to moan about anything..." as that seems like his style.


But it wasn't really clear whether this was written for them, or whether they were all contributing.

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I figured it's probably Tom as this seems to be a thing that would be a part of the job description to do on behalf of the guys. I don't really know his writing style though.


A really interesting peek behind the scenes, sometimes you kind of forget the type of effort and crew that goes into making a Muse show.


Also, I didn't realize they were flying private airplanes these days.

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Also, I didn't realize they were flying private airplanes these days.


I think they usually travel by the ~common folk~ airplanes, but I guess if they wanna get somewhere faster than usual they'd go the private plane route.

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I think they usually travel by the ~common folk~ airplanes, but I guess if they wanna get somewhere faster than usual they'd go the private plane route.

Not that it matters, but nope, looks like this time around they're private planing it the whole way, or at least so far. In Florida, they were based in Miami flying back & forth for Tampa & Orlando gigs (see Matt's tweet of Dom from Orlando charter terminal) & see DomA's de-icing plane tweet in Cleveland- small planes all around.

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what I got out of this is that Muse are very pampered during tour


don't blame them, i'd be the biggest diva if I was them


That doesn't come over to me. Yes they get cooked good food but eating it on the go reduces the luxury of it. And it sounds like they have to be pretty disciplined, eating at certain times, etc. Their lives don't seem too flexible when they're on tour. Having someone else cook their food at times they have to fit into, someone else to organise their wardrobes, and wash their clothes comes over to me as almost like being institutionalised. I think Matt actually used that word once. If he did, I can see what he means. I would imagine that soon gets old and I can see why they work in frequent breaks.


Of course they have got the stage experience to make up for all that. :D


Also I see it more as team work than Muse being pampered. The team depend on Muse to produce the goods in the actual show, while Muse depend on their team to make sure all the behind the scenes stuff runs smoothly for them.

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Also, I didn't realize they were flying private airplanes these days.


I swear they had private jets when they were touring Black Holes.


Good looksie at photos though. And tbf, the pampered thing can apply to any/every major league band. Even if there is a little truth to it. :chuckle:

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it's probably a very stressful business and so it makes sense for the lads to use private jets to make the most of their time with friends and family. I dont think i could do my job 24/7 every day for weeks on end, i'd go mad.

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I think they use private jets for some domestic flights, as there are so many of them, and it would be hassle and time consuming to have to keep going through airports, but they use airports for international flights. They also travel by road sometimes, I think.


The comment about using private jets to get back to family quickly possibly relates more to Matt. And, as his family appears to travel with him, a fair bit, they probably don't need them that much. In contrast Chris is possibly more likely to use airports as he travels internationally, though who knows, he might private jet back to England. And Dom, well....not sure where Dom goes. He spends his spare time in LA partying I think. :LOL:


I hate to think what their carbon footprint might be!

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