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1st Year Wedding Anniversary (fixed)


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My wife and I have our first year wedding anniversary coming up and evidently the present is meant to be paper based. So I was hoping I could print out a shout out to her from Muse =). It's not my only gift, as unsure how successful my request will be but I know she'll love it.


Back story. Rach and I met in a pub in Canberra in 2006. I was wearing my Muse Big Day Out shirt. It was late in the night and I felt a tug at the back of my shirt. Rach was proclaiming her love of Muse and I was super excited to meet a girl who loved my favourite band. We exchanged numbers and 5 years later we were married. We did our wedding dance to a Muse cover of Can't Take My Eyes Off You. The shirt now hangs framed on our wall as a reminder of how we met.


It would be fantastic if I could give her something paper based from Muse to carry on the Muse tradition in our family. I was thinking a reply to this message would be great, as i can print it out. No problems if nothing can be done, just wanted to say a big thank you regardless.


Thanks for music and helping my wife and I find each other,








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