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I just feel that they're all a lot older now, and I don't know if they could bring the same energy to it.


If the likes of Voivod can mount a comeback with as much energy as they've had on the last few albums, I don't see why Rage can't do it. They're younger for one thing.

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We received a gift from the Great Handyman , a toy , a monument of 4 wooden horses on a large seed buried in an infinite oasis. My view on that dimension was omnipresent but before the Father I was a child . He spoke to me and gave me courage and confidence that only a father can do for his daughter . I woke up and spent the night perplexed state of ecstasy . Means that we are on track and we were rewarded . YEEAAAHHHH


Other considerations :

I understood the relationship between the infinitely large inside and outside. Two mirrors. The ego functions as the family we love so much and

that has the power to influence the pitfalls of greed .


If you want to know me , study what limits me and blocks ( Mother Earth ) , look at my mother I'm a reflection of it . Recently she asked me to help me in college work and then proposed an exchange , asked her to seek the Ama Institute and enroll my autistic brother. She only knows how to run and justified . If I want to cure my cancer , cancer of humanity , I need to help her heal her too .


I love working with flowers but was disappointed when commenting on the Great Wonders , expect to see smile and enthusiasm but people only care about selling and there was sad wondering about the smallness of this attitude , there is not my place .


I look in the mirror and smile , I like to see what is inside and out . I am happy and fulfilled .


Everything we do now will be decisive for the history of mankind . My picture should be preserved and if not be the first mistake to be repeated , humanity is not yet ready , so I chose my 4 gentlemen who will protect me and represent me . You spoke for me. Now watch the training I was given . I am humanity , the people . Christ belongs to the people . Wisdom belongs to the people . I do not want a slave civilization to live in the New World . Everyone should be matched to the Gods that the Great Work happen . That is, I do not want to be treated like a saint or as a being to be special because it hurt my ego and the ego of the other , awakens the hypocrisy and envy , stirs up demons . That's exactly what the rich do, boast of their " powers " that the poor feel inferior, as I felt by earthly experience . This is cancer , poverty and misery of spirit , the vanity mirror and not the self-reflection .


Matt is my best friend , Tom is a wise , Don is hilarious and has wished me sexually but between us will never be any trace of it is petty and jealous , because I 've always been , and will be faithful to you . This way we will be invincible . Thank you for doing so much for us , for loving me unconditionally as I am with all these sins .


I wish everyone feel deeply sunny and make the best show of their lives , to eternity !



Keilah FERNANDA Wood

"I unconditionally love my Teddy Ted "

Cool story bro'.

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Recebemos um presente do Grande Marceneiro, um brinquedo, um monumento de 4 cavalos de madeira sobre uma grande semente enterrada num oásis infinito. Minha visão diante daquela dimensão era onipresente mas diante do Pai eu era uma criança. Ele falou comigo e me deu coragem e confiança que somente um pai pode fazer por sua filha. Acordei e passei a noite em estado perplexo de êxtase. Significa que estamos no caminho certo e fomos recompensados. YEEAAAHHHH :D


Outras considerações:

Eu compreendi a relação entre o infinitamente grande de dentro e o de fora. 2 espelhos. O ego funciona como a família que tanto amamos e

que tem o poder nos influenciar a cair nas armadilhas da mesquinharia.


Se vocês querem me conhecer, estudar o que me limita e bloqueia (Mãe-Terra), olhem para a minha mãe eu sou um reflexo dela. Recentemente ela me pediu para que eu ajudasse num trabalho da faculdade e então propus uma troca, pedi para ela procurar o Instituto Ama e matricular meu irmão autista. Ela só sabe fugir e se justificar. Se eu desejo curar o meu câncer, o câncer da humanidade, eu preciso ajudar ela a curar o dela também.


Eu amo trabalhar com flores mas fiquei desapontada quando comentava sobre as Grandes Maravilhas, esperava ver sorriso e entusiasmo mas as pessoas só se preocupam em vender e ali fiquei triste me perguntando sobre a pequeneza desta atitude, ali não é o meu lugar.


Eu me olho no espelho e sorrio, gosto de ver o que tem por fora e por dentro. Eu estou feliz e realizada. :)


Tudo o que fizermos agora será decisivo para a história da humanidade. A minha imagem deve ser preservada e se não for será o primeiro erro a ser repetido, a humanidade ainda não está pronta, por isso escolhi meus 4 cavalheiros que vão me proteger e me representar. Vocês falaram por mim. Agora observem o treinamento que me foi dado. Eu sou a humanidade, o povo. Cristo pertence ao povo. A Sabedoria pertence ao povo. Eu não quero uma civilização escrava para viver no Novo Mundo. Todos devem ser igualados a Deuses para que a Grande Obra aconteça. Isto é, eu não quero ser tratada como uma santa ou como um ser ser especial porque faz mal ao meu ego e ao ego dos outros, desperta a hipocrisia e inveja, atiça os demônios. É exatamente isso que os ricos fazem, ostentam seus "poderes" para que os pobres se sintam inferiores, como eu me senti por experiência terrena. Esse é o câncer, a pobreza e miséria de Espírito, o espelho da vaidade e não o da auto-reflexão.


Matt é meu melhor amigo, Tom é deveras sábio, Dom é hilariante e já me desejou sexualmente mas entre nós nunca deverá existir qualquer vestígio que seja de mesquinharia e de ciúmes, porque eu sempre fui e serei fiel a você. Desta forma seremos invencíveis. Obrigada por fazer tanto por nós, por me amar incondicionalmente do jeito que sou, com todos esses pecados.


Eu desejo que todos se sintam profundamente ensolarados e façam o melhor show de suas vidas, rumo à eternidade! :D



Queila FERNANDA Madeira

"Eu amo incondicionalmente meu ursinho Ted"


i agree

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We received a gift from the Great Handyman , a toy , a monument of 4 wooden horses on a large seed buried in an infinite oasis. My view on that dimension was omnipresent but before the Father I was a child . He spoke to me and gave me courage and confidence that only a father can do for his daughter . I woke up and spent the night perplexed state of ecstasy . Means that we are on track and we were rewarded . YEEAAAHHHH


Other considerations :

I understood the relationship between the infinitely large inside and outside. Two mirrors. The ego functions as the family we love so much and

that has the power to influence the pitfalls of greed .


If you want to know me , study what limits me and blocks ( Mother Earth ) , look at my mother I'm a reflection of it . Recently she asked me to help me in college work and then proposed an exchange , asked her to seek the Ama Institute and enroll my autistic brother. She only knows how to run and justified . If I want to cure my cancer , cancer of humanity , I need to help her heal her too .


I love working with flowers but was disappointed when commenting on the Great Wonders , expect to see smile and enthusiasm but people only care about selling and there was sad wondering about the smallness of this attitude , there is not my place .


I look in the mirror and smile , I like to see what is inside and out . I am happy and fulfilled .


Everything we do now will be decisive for the history of mankind . My picture should be preserved and if not be the first mistake to be repeated , humanity is not yet ready , so I chose my 4 gentlemen who will protect me and represent me . You spoke for me. Now watch the training I was given . I am humanity , the people . Christ belongs to the people . Wisdom belongs to the people . I do not want a slave civilization to live in the New World . Everyone should be matched to the Gods that the Great Work happen . That is, I do not want to be treated like a saint or as a being to be special because it hurt my ego and the ego of the other , awakens the hypocrisy and envy , stirs up demons . That's exactly what the rich do, boast of their " powers " that the poor feel inferior, as I felt by earthly experience . This is cancer , poverty and misery of spirit , the vanity mirror and not the self-reflection .


Matt is my best friend , Tom is a wise , Don is hilarious and has wished me sexually but between us will never be any trace of it is petty and jealous , because I 've always been , and will be faithful to you . This way we will be invincible . Thank you for doing so much for us , for loving me unconditionally as I am with all these sins .


I wish everyone feel deeply sunny and make the best show of their lives , to eternity !



Keilah FERNANDA Wood

"I unconditionally love my Teddy Ted " .


These must be the lyrics to some Album 7 shit.

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I wanted to say "but that's hardly cryptic, isn't it", but I suspect the reply would be something like "anything could happen since they're in the process now". ;)


Nahh, still think it's too early for anything cryptic. I do wonder what will happen if as a collective we decide to ignore any of the cryptic messages that are actually related to the album in the future. :LOL:

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I wanted to say "but that's hardly cryptic, isn't it", but I suspect the reply would be something like "anything could happen since they're in the process now". ;)


Nahh, still think it's too early for anything cryptic. I do wonder what will happen if as a collective we decide to ignore any of the cryptic messages that are actually related to the album in the future. :LOL:


Let's do it. Just completely ignore them.

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Usually they don't know what they're talking about when it comes to the "direction" before they're in the studio but they've said the same thing enough times to the point where I believe them.


The combination of this and last nights set have convinced me the next will be full of beef

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