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Song Muse/Matt put the most heart into?


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To be fair you as a 'fan' should know that if you say something derogatory and blatantly inaccurate about Muse the fanbase are going to be serious about it.


To be fair, it's got WAY more to do with proving someone wrong. :LOL:


Yes. You are right. Of course, he changes. He must change. I just need to get used to this new kind of sounding.


I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I have the feeling if he'd continued to sing with the "passion" he did back in the very early years, he'd currently just be whispering out of his shredded vocal chords...


And, being 35 myself, I would probably roll my eyes if he was still cranking out those angsty teenage songs these days, on the new albums.


My real question is why someone signs up three days ago to bitch about not having liked the band since 2001...

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Oh and it has absolutely nothing to do with pushing himself. How on earth is screaming when you don't feel like screaming considered pushing yourself? It would just be tacky. Matt pushes himself by trying on new things, trying to constantly change and improve. What you are suggesting is that he should stay the same.
Saying pushing himself I didn't mean screaming only. He actually screams in few songs. I don't know, I thought people must distinguish between 100%- performance and 75-80%. May be this as well depends on that their songs are absolutely different from those of OOS-Absolution times. But just look at him, completely absorbed by his own music. He doesn't give a shit to what's happening around (this may be an acting). He is IN that music. He himself is that music.
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Saying pushing himself I didn't mean screaming only. He actually screams in few songs. I don't know, I thought people must distinguish between 100%- performance and 75-80%. May be this as well depends on that their songs are absolutely different from those of OOS-Absolution times. But just look at him, completely absorbed by his own music. He doesn't give a shit to what's happening around (this may be an acting). He is IN that music. He himself is that music.


Saying that he only gives 75-80% during gigs??

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In terms of overall performance, I'd definitely agree with 75-80%. But vocally Matt really is giving it his all, and I'm actually worried that he'll damage his voice with all the really demanding singing that he's doing on a regular basis.

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Saying pushing himself I didn't mean screaming only. He actually screams in few songs. I don't know, I thought people must distinguish between 100%- performance and 75-80%. May be this as well depends on that their songs are absolutely different from those of OOS-Absolution times. But just look at him, completely absorbed by his own music. He doesn't give a shit to what's happening around (this may be an acting). He is IN that music. He himself is that music.


You're acting very childishly. We already said that you perform differently when you're 35. It doesn't mean that he doesn't give 100%, he gives a lot more than he did in 2001-2004.vocally of course.

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To be fair, it's got WAY more to do with proving someone wrong. :LOL:




I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I have the feeling if he'd continued to sing with the "passion" he did back in the very early years, he'd currently just be whispering out of his shredded vocal chords...


And, being 35 myself, I would probably roll my eyes if he was still cranking out those angsty teenage songs these days, on the new albums.


My real question is why someone signs up three days ago to bitch about not having liked the band since 2001...

I love this band. I like them less since 2010, only because of things they've started to create 9not all of them). I have been convinced by people here that it's not about getting worse. It's just different. But I still love the way they used to be. And I really think they, Matt in particular, are less dedicated on the stage now. A bit bored by it. I explained everything clearly in the message above.

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It's just different. But I still love the way they used to be. And I really think they, Matt in particular, are less dedicated on the stage now. A bit bored by it. I explained everything clearly in the message above.


He never seems bored, when he performs Follow Me.

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Is it bad that I would love to see SpiralStatic1 and LiT have an argument with each other? It would be hilarious to watch.


Well, they probably are the two most unpopular members of the board at the moment. Yes, it would be fun to watch, it would be circles going in circles with no sense.

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It's so funny to see all this. To call someone stupid just because you dislike something one wrote... It's wow... Unpopular? Is what? You are discussing my posts for all day! I would say i am very popular.

Why do people with faulty logic and wrong facts always assume that it's solely their opinions that make people laugh at them?


It might be the faulty logic and wrong facts.

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