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Song Muse/Matt put the most heart into?


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In some cases it is getting worse... Not even getting worse - it's rather changing and I dislike the way it is changing (in SOME cases). But it also getting better. I just need to appreciate it. I can't yet. I think, I will.


I've noticed you have a habit of making several posts in a row. If possible, please try and multi-quote, or if you have an additional point, go back and edit your last post. If you need help, please PM a mod. Thanks! :)

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How did you decide it's touching then?


I think the song is heartfelt/touching, but I don't have to like it to believe that.


I think the lyrics are very sincere and honest, and it's about an emotional subject.


I just don't particularly like how it sounds, and it's not one of my favorite Muse songs.


Sort of like the opposite of New Born; I like how it sounds, but it's painfully hard for me to push past some of the lyrics.

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And here it is, the video explaining the dead argument.


And what actually this video is explaining? You cut some parts from his performances and try to compare. That's clever, you know. Just like in that post where you point out Sunburn, Space Dementia and New Born. One of the worst performances of Sunburn in 1999 compared with one of the best in 2013.( And, actually no one said he's had his best voice in 1999). Space Dementia cannot be counted as an example at all. This shameful Pavarotti-like Space Dementia in Reading 2011!!!! (Probably that was a bad day... Hysteria, Micro Cuts and Hyper music are also pretty bad.)

And New Born - the very last falcetto note! Do you really think he couldn't hold it as long as now back I'd say in 2004, for example? When you say he avoided difficult notes, you claim he couldn't perform his own songs???

And yes, he reaches the notes. Bravo! Surprisingly if he didn't. But he makes huge inhales all the time, sometimes shrinks through his teeth while falsetto, really avoids difficult passages.

- falsetto like here at the end.

- misses endings here.

And it's obvious, it's not difficult for him to reach fucking G5 or whatever. But It's difficult for him to keep his best during the whole song.

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What did I cut? I wasn't showing performances, I was showing notes. How did you not get that?


How was Hyper Music bad at R/L? What did he not sing perfectly?


And New Born. Obviously he could sustain an E5 longer than he did....but he didn't, which is the point. Or are you seriously having an argument about what Matt performs these days vs what he COULD perform, theoretically, back in 2004?


When I say he avoided difficult notes, I'm saying he avoided difficult notes. For example the last note in Micro Cuts which he often didn't sing at all even back in 2002. Or the ending of Sing For Absolution which he has NEVER done properly live. Or the ending of Ruled By Secrecy, which he has only done properly once, and that was in 2012.


You know, it's not exactly uncommon for artists not to be able to hit the same notes live as in studio. It's not really a shocker that Matt has trouble performing some songs on a regular basis, especially when he has to sing 20 songs in a row. Only a moron wouldn't realise this. In the studio you get all the time you need, and all the breaks you need. Not to mention that almost no artist actually sings through an entire song, but it's rather a collection of the best bits of each studio recording.


And what does "misses endings here" mean exactly? Listening to that Hysteria performance and there really isn't anything bad about it. Or do you mean where he doesn't sustain the "lose controool" like...one time but instead goes for a falsetto scream?


And could you please provide some examples to where he has problems "keeping his best" during entire songs? You know, aside from that ONE performance of Micro Cuts that you keep referring to, while at the same time complaining about how I chose the worst old performances of Sunburn

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I'm assuming that what you mean by cutting performances is for example how I didn't include the "like the evil in your veins" in Futurism. (One of the few examples of where I didn't include the hardest note of a part actually)


But the reason for that is simple. I wanted to include his best G4 from each period, which is why I included a G4 from Futurism. If I would have included the higher note later, that would have been a very unfair comparison considering the others would only be G4s.


Or if you wanted me to actually do this for ALL the periods, then that would make my video pretty pointless since the notes would be all over the place, and it would just be a compilation of Matt's singing, something that there's plenty of videos for on youtube already.


Sadly I chose a shitty G4 from Absolution, but I don't think it makes that much difference.

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Now let's go through some examples of when Matt avoided difficult notes:


First the studio version:




Now live:

SFA at Glastonbury 2004:

Pinkpop 2004:

V Festival 2004: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-3pfDBZiYw&t=3m54s


And 99% of every other performance of this song is sung like this. Half a step down and mostly in falsetto.


Ruled By Secrecy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c38LThmWZN0&t=3m45s



Pinkpop 2004:

Glastonbury 2004:

Earls Court 2004:


And just for the sake of my point, here it is from 2012:

(note how he uses less time to breathe than the 2004 performances, just saying...)


And here's an example of when he doesn't hit the end note of Micro Cuts:


not a lot of examples of that since he mostly did it during gigs that weren't recorded/broadcasted.


Hyper Music studio:





And pretty much every other performance of it as well, can't bother to link any more.


And it's especially funny how you keep mentioning how Matt can't sing consistently at the top of his range like he used to, when it's been mentioned several times that he rarely did the Hyper Music chorus properly, and was often really flat, way too sharp or just unable to hit the notes without non-modal screeching.


But then it's excused with "it was raw", obviously.

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You know, it's not exactly uncommon for artists not to be able to hit the same notes live as in studio. It's not really a shocker that Matt has trouble performing some songs on a regular basis, especially when he has to sing 20 songs in a row. Only a moron wouldn't realise this. In the studio you get all the time you need, and all the breaks you need. Not to mention that almost no artist actually sings through an entire song, but it's rather a collection of the best bits of each studio recording.


A whole paragraph when you could have just said Melodyne?


Every vocalist will sing through the entire song at least once.

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A whole paragraph when you could have just said Melodyne?


Every vocalist will sing through the entire song at least once.

Obviously. I was talking about using one entire take for the final product. Could have made that clearer I guess.

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Obviously. I was talking about using one entire take for the final product. Could have made that clearer I guess.


It does happen and plenty of examples of it. One-take wonders make life so much easier.


A lot of vocalists that are not studio-savvy do tend to be against building up a take from multiple takes and would much rather get it right in one if they can.


But yeah, comparing a live performance to studio stuff is pointless, the latter is like photoshopping taken to extremes.

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What did I cut? I wasn't showing performances, I was showing notes. How did you not get that?


Yeah. I got that. But the whole thing was to show how much better Matt sings now than earlier. That's why I said you cut them in a right way to prove your point. If I did the same I could prove that he cannot sing now at all. Or...Matt is a drummer in fact. Or... Chris is actually singing all the songs instead of Matt. Like, i mean it could prove anything.



And New Born. Obviously he could sustain an E5 longer than he did....but he didn't, which is the point.


He didn't because he just didn't feel like if you get what I mean. May be it's only my impression, but when he didn't sustain one single note after amazing performance of the whole song I don't really think he couldn't reach the note or 'avoided' it or covered it with screaming. He just decided to sing it that way. But when he does it now, I sounds like he's just too exhausted to sing it properly.


Or are you seriously having an argument about what Matt performs these days vs what he COULD perform, theoretically, back in 2004?


Why COULD? He did. Just not in the examples you give. Glastonbury 2004. What wasn't perfect about that?


When I say he avoided difficult notes, I'm saying he avoided difficult notes. For example the last note in Micro Cuts which he often didn't sing at all even back in 2002. Or the ending of Sing For Absolution which he has NEVER done properly live. Or the ending of Ruled By Secrecy, which he has only done properly once, and that was in 2012.


I won't argue this. I agree.


You know, it's not exactly uncommon for artists not to be able to hit the same notes live as in studio. It's not really a shocker that Matt has trouble performing some songs on a regular basis, especially when he has to sing 20 songs in a row. Only a moron wouldn't realise this. In the studio you get all the time you need, and all the breaks you need. Not to mention that almost no artist actually sings through an entire song, but it's rather a collection of the best bits of each studio recording.


I never mentioned studio records. I always prefer them live. And OBVIOUSLY these are absolutely different things.


And what does "misses endings here" mean exactly? Listening to that Hysteria performance and there really isn't anything bad about it. Or do you mean where he doesn't sustain the "lose controool" like...one time but instead goes for a falsetto scream?


Yes, I meant this. Also, he does not hold the endings long enough. (Please, keep in mind that I haven't check the examples you gave at last)

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Now let's go through some examples of when Matt avoided difficult notes:



And it's especially funny how you keep mentioning how Matt can't sing consistently at the top of his range like he used to, when it's been mentioned several times that he rarely did the Hyper Music chorus properly, and was often really flat, way too sharp or just unable to hit the notes without non-modal screeching.


But then it's excused with "it was raw", obviously.


No, I agreed with Hyper Music. I've got what you pointed out. I still don't think he avoided it on purpose, but yeah he distorted the chorus too much even for me. And I LOVE him screaming.

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One massive problem with the modern world is the ability to record literally every live gig so easily so people can listen to them out of context and have pointless debates about them.



/I'm totally aware of the live bootlegs on my soundcloud pages.

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