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Song Muse/Matt put the most heart into?


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Why do people with faulty logic and wrong facts always assume that it's solely their opinions that make people laugh at them?


It might be the faulty logic and wrong facts.

After all, I see that many people agree with me. I do not understand what was so irritating

in my posts. My point was clear. And if it was so difficult for you to understand what I meant, it doesn't make me stupid, but you.

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After all, I see that many people agree with me. I do not understand what was so irritating in my posts. My point was clear. And if it was so difficult for you to understand what I meant, it doesn't make me stupid, but you.


I think Sippe answered this a few hours ago.

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After all, I see that many people agree with me. I do not understand what was so irritating

in my posts. My point was clear. And if it was so difficult for you to understand what I meant, it doesn't make me stupid, but you.

No, people think that Matt sounds better in the old days than now. That's not our problem with what you said.


The problem has been explained to you a bunch of times but you don't get it. Your first post on the subject was ONLY about the technical side, about how he couldn't sing songs properly and how it sounded like his voice was breaking, and then when you get proven wrong you tell pissy and tell us how that wasn't your point at all, instead point to something that wasn't even mentioned in your first post.

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As I just said I am perfectly aware of what I like. Micro Cuts 2011-2013 is what I called shrieking. And yes, I love that screams and hysterical tone that he used to approach. I love that exhausted desperation, distorted sounding.


But the performance itself is much less moving.

Thing is, you don't seem to be aware of WHY you like things like you described above. Maybe that's worth a long train of thoughts for you ;)


(When you know the "why", the futility of this whole point will be clear to you.)


Saying pushing himself I didn't mean screaming only. He actually screams in few songs. I don't know, I thought people must distinguish between 100%- performance and 75-80%. May be this as well depends on that their songs are absolutely different from those of OOS-Absolution times. But just look at him, completely absorbed by his own music. He doesn't give a shit to what's happening around (this may be an acting). He is IN that music. He himself is that music.

He's grown up, you know. The music has changed from this angsty teenage music to the music of grown-up men who have experienced more in life. They know other sources of joy than only music. They are successful. They have families, most of them. All these things, and more, change people, and thus their creative output changes. Also their way of doing things. I do not doubt for one second that they give 100% each show at the fitness level they have at that moment, and try to be fit for each show. (I think we all guess/know that that amount of travelling and flying and other things can be very straining and thus you can't always be at your very best, but you do what you can.)



tl;dr You have an issue, not Matt/Muse

(Issue does not equal problem! Something to look at, not necessarily something negative!)

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Belligerent bugger. Can't recall any particular spats though.


No, people think that Matt sounds better in the old days than now. That's not our problem with what you said.


The problem has been explained to you a bunch of times but you don't get it. Your first post on the subject was ONLY about the technical side, about how he couldn't sing songs properly and how it sounded like his voice was breaking, and then when you get proven wrong you tell pissy and tell us how that wasn't your point at all, instead point to something that wasn't even mentioned in your first post.


I'm starting to find at times that you have a good point. This feels wrong on some fundamental level :wtf:

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Belligerent bugger. Can't recall any particular spats though.




I'm starting to find at times that you have a good point. This feels wrong on some fundamental level :wtf:

Maybe you should start reading my posts without so much prejudice ;)

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I love this band. I like them less since 2010, only because of things they've started to create 9not all of them). I have been convinced by people here that it's not about getting worse. It's just different. But I still love the way they used to be. And I really think they, Matt in particular, are less dedicated on the stage now. A bit bored by it. I explained everything clearly in the message above.


I think people confused "bored" with more grown up, or at least stylistically different.

I, personally, just don't think I'd be impressed by a 35 year old man carrying on onstage like he did when he was 20.

As people have said, he doesn't WRITE those types of songs anymore, either, and it would be (for me) more "fake" if he tried to still act that way when performing those old songs.


It's perfectly okay to say you liked that better. It's fundamentally untrue to say his voice is worse now because of it, though.

And I think it's really unfair to say that they aren't "putting their all into it" because you simply don't like it.


The real solution is for Matt to stop singing completely and let Morgan do it instead.


He would just mime it. :phu:

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I actually like some of the more modernized/matured evolutions of the old songs. Muscle Musem, Showbiz, Hyper Music, and Darkshines especially. Dead Star too is pretty good although I've always loved the 2002-2004 style best with the slap-back delay on the guitar.

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I laughed when he said a bit less dedicated on stage, christ :stunned: can someone find the video of Matt playing with flames during Survival for this guy? Or any performance of Follow Me during this tour or even Ruled at SECC. If Matt had to go full on every song the set would be very, very short and they wouldn't be playing gigs nearly every day (slight exaggeration) and touring for a couple of years.

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Guys are you all serious????? Fuck, I am reading the comments and just wondering how people could still not understand my point after me explaining it for two fucking days.

Popularly,I'll explain again. When I said Matt's voice is getting worse, I gave an example and no one denied it was valid. Right? The difference is so huge that,personalIy, I was surprised when first listened to it. And you all agreed with that Micro Cuts performance. Should I quote you guys or you remember this?

Recently I have been searching for other evidences that Matt's voice is really getting worse. Not that I found a lot of them, luckily. I really wan't to be convinced it's not getting worse. That's why I've put it forward here - I was really interested to listen to what people think about it. I have got a little hysterical fear that matt is losing his voice, so if to anyone it felt like i am not flexible enough to change my opinion (wrong, stupid, senseless etc.) it wasn't so.

I have been convinced that actually it's not getting worse, apart from that, that falsetto IS really less powerful now. Should quote you again? Or you remember your posts, Jazzthief or whoever? That could explain why his performance of Micro Cuts is so freaking awful.

Next. When I was talking about their performance itself and said that he now gives around 80% (actually I think even less) some of you agreed with me, I believe Sippe or something. It's not about singing only, i am sick to repeat it all again, if you don't understand I can't really clarify it for you. Most of you didn't even understand what I meant.

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I laughed when he said a bit less dedicated on stage, christ :stunned: can someone find the video of Matt playing with flames during Survival for this guy? Or any performance of Follow Me during this tour or even Ruled at SECC. If Matt had to go full on every song the set would be very, very short and they wouldn't be playing gigs nearly every day (slight exaggeration) and touring for a couple of years.


Oh really? But you all saying he still goes full on every song? Does this message mean he does not?

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I think people confused "bored" with more grown up, or at least stylistically different.

I, personally, just don't think I'd be impressed by a 35 year old man carrying on onstage like he did when he was 20.

As people have said, he doesn't WRITE those types of songs anymore, either, and it would be (for me) more "fake" if he tried to still act that way when performing those old songs.


It's perfectly okay to say you liked that better. It's fundamentally untrue to say his voice is worse now because of it, though.

And I think it's really unfair to say that they aren't "putting their all into it" because you simply don't like it.




I never EVER said that his voice is getting worse BECAUSE of it.

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