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Watch Muse at Reading on BBC Three


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You've got to admit that 2 hours and 10-20 minutes on the telly when Muse are playing for 2 hours kinda implies a full set. Or at least more than the one that was shown.


No it doesn't at all.


The programme will show highlights of other bands, interviews and other things. If the BBC purely showed Muse's set and nothing else, there's be far more complaints as not everyone wants to see Muse and there are plenty of people who will complain purely because they don't want to see anything from Reading Festival at all. The BBC is public funded, so has to be fair to everyone, not just Muse fans and not just people who are interested in the festival.


The programmes always have names like "Muse at Reading 2011", doesn't actually mean anything beyond it being the main act and you'll probably get like an hour of their set. If they are going to show the full thing, you'd be told pretty early on!




Also, as I've pointed out lots of times, Muse are very bad at managing expectations and more than happy to hint at more than what will actually happen, this wasn't the first time something like this has happened and won't be the last. Though for once they actually did deliver and do something different.

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79f56d25-1a55-4ed6-bbf4-93b01b923c04.jpgFor those of you not at Reading or Leeds Festival this weekend, don't worry you can watch Muse on BBC Three on Sunday night. Tune in from 10.20pm to watch Muse at Reading playing what promises to be a fantastic set. BBC Three are broadcasting from the festival throughout the weekend so those of you in the UK won't miss out and can enjoy the festival from the comfort of your own home!






Source: http://muse.mu/news/article/769/watch-muse-at-reading-on-bbc-three/


yeah...this implies things....even if it doesn't say full stop that the whole gig would/wouldn't be televised.

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yeah...this implies things....even if it doesn't say full stop that the whole gig would/wouldn't be televised.


It's just promotion. Yes, promoters shouldn't egg people on but that happens all the time. It's what advertising is like.


Incidentally if you're picking apart the words. It even says "those of you in the UK" so it's not even saying it is intended for world viewing. So an argument that it would have been too expensive to travel for many, and this purposely raised the hopes of those abroad, doesn't exactly hold up.

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They showed the full Strokes set, and pretty much all of My Chemical Romance's set. No one complained. And those were actually titled 'The Strokes and Jane's Addiction', 'MCR and Beady Eye'. They didn't mention anything about the highlights in the synopsis either, and usually they have a separate programme for that anyway.


No one is saying they should show nothing else at all. Also not sure what the fact that some people complain that Reading is shown has to do with anything, that would have been shown regardless, like it is (3 days) every year. Their complaints are irrelevant here.


As it is, apart from a couple of songs from Streets, Warpaint and Enter Shikari, there was weird filler stuff like acoustic performances and plenty of inane chatter, hardly the "highlights" of the whole festival which they had to cut Muse's set for. Another complaint is that the BBC (or the band) at no point mentioned that the full Origin of Symmetry set would not be shown. On the contrary they were building it up, Fearne even mentioning that "you're going to hear so many beautiful songs from [Origin of Symmetry] tonight". 3 hardly counts as 'so many'. As a result you had a lot of fans waiting to hear it and being let down, which is why people are all the more annoyed.

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I've been watching the BBC 3 broadcast (not just Muse, but Friendly Fires, Interpol... I recorded everything), and the TV presenter says "We will show a big chunk of Muse's set tonight", "You will be able to watch a big chunk of their set", etc etc. She says this more than once.

So it's not something the management decided at the last minute (as someone hinted).

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This. All they did was promise to play OoS in full + their greatest hits which they did. I feel sorry for people wanting to see the footage but Muse never promised to show the full gig. People just saw a 2 hour slot on the BBC and assume they were going to play the full show and they can't be blame for people's wrong assumptions.


No it doesn't imply it. Normally there is always time for introducing the band, bio, commentaries, etc... I understand being disappointed but I don't understand how people can get angry at the band because they decide to make assumptions and they got them wrong. The band nor the BBC I believe ever said the set will be broadcasted in full.


Again I bring up the setlist polls from last summer, where pretty much every boardie was fuming because Muse didn't play most of the poll winners. Going by your logic, none of us should have complained about how everything went down because Muse never "promised" to play the poll winners. Their exact words were that they'd "strive" to play some of the winners. But nobody is going to buy that bullshit of a technicality, and nobody should give Muse a free pass on this broadcasting fuck-up either.

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They showed the full Strokes set, and pretty much all of My Chemical Romance's set. No one complained. And those were actually titled 'The Strokes and Jane's Addiction', 'MCR and Beady Eye'. They didn't mention anything about the highlights in the synopsis either, and usually they have a separate programme for that anyway.


No one is saying they should show nothing else at all. Also not sure what the fact that some people complain that Reading is shown has to do with anything, that would have been shown regardless, like it is (3 days) every year. Their complaints are irrelevant here.


As it is, apart from a couple of songs from Streets, Warpaint and Enter Shikari, there was weird filler stuff like acoustic performances and plenty of inane chatter, hardly the "highlights" of the whole festival which they had to cut Muse's set for. Another complaint is that the BBC (or the band) at no point mentioned that the full Origin of Symmetry set would not be shown. On the contrary they were building it up, Fearne even mentioning that "you're going to hear so many beautiful songs from [Origin of Symmetry] tonight". 3 hardly counts as 'so many'. As a result you had a lot of fans waiting to hear it and being let down, which is why people are all the more annoyed.


I reckon that was a fuck up on Fearne's part. She was talking twaddle or got her wires crossed or was misinformed. I think it unlikely that Muse, in the middle of their gig, after the broadcast had started, suddenly decided to restrict the coverage unless Matt frantically arranged for that to happen while the drum and bass jam took place :LOL: and I haven't checked times to see if that is even plausible - I don't think it is actually. He or Chris could have done it at another point, I suppose, but they would have had to be quick.


The other explanation, I've just thought of, is that there was a communication fuck-up and, for some reason, instructions didn't reach the BBC in time for the broadcast and were relayed by someone in management after the broadcast had started.


Or the third explanation, someone from management was watching the performances, thought "shit, this is terrible, we can't allow this to go out, it will ruin the band's reputation" :chuckle: - not possible. :happy:


Or fourth explanation - the band were nervous and had a crisis of confidence just before going on stage, gave out instructions which took some poor geezer or girl ages to get through the communication channels to the BBC and missed the beginning of the broadcast. Plus there was no time to think of an excuse so the real reason was given initially and spun later.



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I knew the full set wouldn't be shown, but some people won't be told.

I didn't know you were going?


I'm surprised the full set wasn't shown as headline acts usually are shown in full, bar one or two songs at the very most. Anything less will be at the band's request for whatever reason they want.

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Again I bring up the setlist polls from last summer, where pretty much every boardie was fuming because Muse didn't play most of the poll winners. Going by your logic, none of us should have complained about how everything went down because Muse never "promised" to play the poll winners. Their exact words were that they'd "strive" to play some of the winners. But nobody is going to buy that bullshit of a technicality, and nobody should give Muse a free pass on this broadcasting fuck-up either.


Sorry but that's a completely different situation and that's like comparing apples and oranges. The setlist polls were a sham straight from the beginning and the clever wording was a way out of those before the whole thing ever started.


Again I understand people being disappointed not being able to see the whole gig on TV but Muse never said anywhere that the full gig was going to be shown. For once Muse did right and exactly what they said they would do (i.e. play OoS and the hits) but never that everybody would be able to see it on TV.

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I was really looking forward to seeing Muse play Oos too but if they want to keep the set 'special' for those that were there in person then I can respect that decision. As the other chap said, it seems these days we are of the opinion that if a set is filmed then we all have an entitlement to view it. Actually we don't.


Time was where if you didn't go to a gig for any reason then that was that. I accept that fans live all over the world and some are skint or injured / whatever but the fact remains that the only way you are ever guaranteed of seeing a gig is by actually being there. I wouldn't cry if Muse played a rare song in California or Japan / anywhere else as I wouldn't travel that far to see them anyway. I live about 100 miles or so away from Reading and I could have gone, the only thing that stopped me was paying 'whatever' to go and essentially just see Muse (they were the only band I was interested in that much, apart from Pulp and maybe Seasick Steve) plus standing in a muddy field with however many other thousand people for three days isn't exactly my 'thang'.


I (niavely probably) thought we might see the whole set on the beeb especially as they had broadcast what I think was the whole headline gig from Glasto last year but obviously not. Hey ho. From what was broadcast it looked an amazing gig (apart from UD, Resitance and Uprising!) and I'm grateful for the opportunity to see any of it - it's a priviledge not a right. The light show looked fantastic and the boys looked like they reallly got into it and basicallly kicked ass.


As a fellow fan I find the whole idea of bombarding Muse with hate mail and demanding an explanation a bit embarrassing really, childish even.


I just hope they know we're not all like that.

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Basically I agree with everything Laure has said here.


- They did exactly what they said on the tin, I was there and it was the best Muse gig I've yet been to


- It's quite normal for bands to have it in their contract that only part of a set be shown so they can save some performance for future promotional purposes (ie DVD or whatevs)


- I think people talked about it so far ahead on here and let their expectations get so incredibly high that they were setting themselves up for a disappointment. The BBC were never going to show the whole thing, not for such a niche market as "Muse fans who want to see all of OoS" I think we sometimes forget here in this bubble that the general public will know Starlight and a few others and that's about it.


- haters to the left


That is all :)

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And I'll keep saying that we will hear something about a release within a few months.


If it is going to take that long, then it is definitely not going to happen. OOS's 10th anniversary is now, not some time next year, Muse are about to record a new album, so the marketing machine will be behind that. As part of a Resistance tour DVD makes little sense as well as it should be a celebration of that album, not OOS.


Muse had an opportunity to do something a bit different for once between album cycles and has been stated these were one-offs. No reason to dwell on it any further.



Got to remember, any "special" gig Muse do, people get it into their heads that Muse are going to release it as a DVD every time.

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IMO, gig not fully broadcasted, sure. Leaving out ALL the rarities, sucks big time and don't make a thread about not having to miss a fantastic set. As it's an OoS celebrations I don't think it's unreasonable of people to expect to see at least some of the songs they are celebrating.


(yeah yeah I know they showed NB, Bliss and PiB)

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If it is going to take that long, then it is definitely not going to happen. OOS's 10th anniversary is now, not some time next year, Muse are about to record a new album, so the marketing machine will be behind that. As part of a Resistance tour DVD makes little sense as well as it should be a celebration of that album, not OOS.


Muse had an opportunity to do something a bit different for once between album cycles and has been stated these were one-offs. No reason to dwell on it any further.



Got to remember, any "special" gig Muse do, people get it into their heads that Muse are going to release it as a DVD every time.


A few months means within this year. We'll see what happens, no one knows for sure anyway. If Warner wants to make money, they will release it in some kinda form, even if it's download only.

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I find the whole idea of bombarding Muse with hate mail and demanding an explanation a bit embarrassing really as a fellow fan, childish even.


I just hope they know we're not all like that.


Indeed. As disappointed as I am, that sort of thing is embarrassing. And since it's the whiners that are the ones that are most visible, it makes the entire fanbase look bad.


Don't get me wrong - I'm whining, but not in an attack dog kind of way.

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A few months means within this year. We'll see what happens, no one knows for sure anyway. If Warner wants to make money, they will release it in some kinda form, even if it's download only.


If Warner wants to make money, they are going to focus on the new album and marketing that as there is more money to be made over all. Trying to market two releases in quick succession, one for old Muse, one for new Muse isn't how you go about business.


Also there is Hullabaloo, which between the DVD and CD, has all of OOS live. A second DVD doesn't add anything to what is already out there and a new one will sell less because of that.

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IMO, gig not fully broadcasted, sure. Leaving out ALL the rarities, sucks big time and don't make a thread about not having to miss a fantastic set. As it's an OoS celebrations I don't think it's unreasonable of people to expect to see at least some of the songs they are celebrating.


(yeah yeah I know they showed NB, Bliss and PiB)



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If Warner wants to make money, they are going to focus on the new album and marketing that. Trying to market two releases in quick succession, one for old Muse, one for new Muse isn't how you go about business.


Also there is Hullabaloo, which between the DVD and CD, has all of OOS live. A second DVD doesn't add anything to what is already out there and a new one will sell less because of that.


The album won't be released in a fairly long time, they haven't even started recording anything. OoS footage is probably more or less ready for a release. It can go more than a year until a new album is done. And comparing the gig from Hullabaloo to the Reading festival is a bit wrong. Muse's fanbase has increased by a shitload since that time and the possibility that people will buy Reading gig is fairly high. I know for sure I would while I haven't considered buying Hullabaloo since it was released way before I knew about Muse. And in addition to that, the gigs musically wise are a world apart from eachother.

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Sorry but that's a completely different situation and that's like comparing apples and oranges. The setlist polls were a sham straight from the beginning and the clever wording was a way out of those before the whole thing ever started.


Again I understand people being disappointed not being able to see the whole gig on TV but Muse never said anywhere that the full gig was going to be shown. For once Muse did right and exactly what they said they would do (i.e. play OoS and the hits) but never that everybody would be able to see it on TV.


No, they are not apples and oranges. Obviously we're dealing with two different instances but if you can't see how the principle of Muse getting certain fans' hopes up and then dashing them is repeated in both cases, then just forget about it.


:LOL: I'm not even mad at Muse anymore. Shit happens, life goes on. They're still one of my favorite bands. But that won't change the fact that looking back on this I'll still remember it as a dick move on the part of the responsible party.

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