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WANTED - Seaside Rendezvous Souvenir Mug


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I was lucky enough to be at the Teignmouth Seaside Rendezvous gig back in 2009 and like many bought lots of the merchandise that was available there, including the souvenir mug. Unfortunately however my mug has since been broken and I'm obviously devastated as they are seemingly impossible to get hold of now.


I have been checking eBay almost every week since the last one but none of them have surfaced, although I did see this (http://www.stolliclothing.co.uk/productinfo.php?pid=1536) whilst searching for one... but as I e-mailed to ask for a photo of the mug and asked whether it was genuine Muse merchandise, I have had no reply and suspect it may be a cheap copy.


I know at the end of the day it is just a mug, but as I travelled down from Oxford and back especially for the gig it was one of my particularly treasured possessions and it had with it a lot of great memories of the gig.


Did anyone else that went to the Teignmouth gig(s) get a mug that they would be willing to sell to me? It would mean a lot to me if I could get a replacement


Many thanks



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