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Changes AKA How the new staff team are going to spoil your fun


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Hello All.


I thought I'd create this thread quickly to let you know whats going on since we got the new team in. We're going to start a process of looking at how things can be tweaked/reorganised to improve the experience for the users here. Don't worry I know you'll all fear change but we do plan to take everyones usages into consideration and try to cater accordingly :)


I'm posting this now because I think our recent changes to the International Section may have caused a feeling that they were being mistreated but it's just that that forum was one of the first we looked at.


Your feedback on our tweaks would be great and this will be a good place for it :)

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It's all good stuff really. Improving forums that aren't being used as much for example. Making it a bit more accessible to new users to this particular message board.


We'd really appreciate input from everyone about anything people think needs changing. Obvious we have some ideas but we're not actually all psychics, so we'd like a bit of honest input from everyone :)

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Just a few minor tweaks to make certain areas more inclusive and curtail some of the board's excesses :).


We intend to open the process up to you guys; all will be revealed shortly.


Well, inclusivity is always welcome so I await more details with anticipation :D


I want to start my keeping my banhammer permanently ready. :awesome:


I've already told you, Sammy. Openminded is the perfect opportunity for you to wield the banhammer. Go on, I know you're itching to do it.

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It's all good stuff really. Improving forums that aren't being used as much for example. Making it a bit more accessible to new users to this particular message board.


We'd really appreciate input from everyone about anything people think needs changing. Obvious we have some ideas but we're not actually all psychics, so we'd like a bit of honest input from everyone :)


If you could make actual Muse fans feel more welcome and that they aren't in some sort of minority for still loving Muse, that would be a step in the right direction. So many people have been scared off by the negativity towards the band that we're supposedly all here to appreciate.

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They're getting rid of banter.




I've already told you, Sammy. Openminded is the perfect opportunity for you to wield the banhammer. Go on, I know you're itching to do it.


Sometimes the banhammer doesn't need to be used, just kind of shaking it around does the trick :awesome:

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The banhammer is forceful enough on its own :phu:


But really, we know these forums aren't perfect and we've noticed the decline as of late. We want to make it much more accessible for new people, but at the same time cater for all the people we have here now. No matter what we do we're going to tread on some people's toes, we know that (we've already seen it with the complaints about the international section), but it's about improving it as a whole. Any ideas we get are always helpful because we're not you lot :p

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The banhammer is forceful enough on its own :phu:


But really, we know these forums aren't perfect and we've noticed the decline as of late. We want to make it much more accessible for new people, but at the same time cater for all the people we have here now. No matter what we do we're going to tread on some people's toes, we know that (we've already seen it with the complaints about the international section), but it's about improving it as a whole. Any ideas we get are always helpful because we're not you lot :p


You're not one of us anymore Sammy? :'(

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If you could make actual Muse fans feel more welcome and that they aren't in some sort of minority for still loving Muse, that would be a step in the right direction. So many people have been scared off by the negativity towards the band that we're supposedly all here to appreciate.


Absolutely. That's priority #1 for us. Many of the changes around here will be approached with that in mind. :yesey:

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If you could make actual Muse fans feel more welcome and that they aren't in some sort of minority for still loving Muse, that would be a step in the right direction. So many people have been scared off by the negativity towards the band that we're supposedly all here to appreciate.


I think that is a big priority! The general atmosphere here hasn't gone unnoticed.


I know of many Muse fans (from Facebook etc) who don't post here anymore because the atmosphere got so bad.


Ain't that the truth! I hope they'll feel like coming back soon. :)

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