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If you were to introduce muse to a friend. Which song would you show them

Andy muse

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time is running out. as much as i know, a lot of my friends (almost all of my friends) like it whatever kind of music they like. then i would show them plug in baby n hysteria (considering the great riffs n melodies), then heavier songs like stockholm syndrome, butterflies n hurricanes. the point is i would like to show them some greatest songs by muse of all time (which apparently kinda hard rock ones), but then i would show them that muse also made some soft or love songs like starlight, map of the problematique, or undisclosed desires.


edit: a friend of mine who have never listened to plug in baby before, said that it was a nice melody and smile when the first time she listened to it through my earphone. it was a little bit surprise for me, since she kinda into pop/soft/cheesy songs. hehe.

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The video of KoC in HAARP. Is mindblowing and never failed me at showing Muse to non-fans.


Me too... or new born... although one of my friends said it was too hard-rock for him...:confused: But then i always put the falsetto of showbiz and they of course agree muse are at least interesting!!!

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