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Recommend a good guitar for a beginner???


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aaaaah i just said to my mum that I've seen a guitar I want and she said no :'( And now she's said wait til after my exams grrrrrr. and i was gonna pay for it


When it comes to exams, guitars are the bigest revision throw off ever, its so hard to revise when u have a guitar by your side.

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yes, having thought about it futher, its probably better to hunt down a yamaha guitar pack, with either the pacifica 112 (the one with one humbucker pickups) or the black one with two pickups (probably better for muse). They also make a tele-style one with two humbuckers, which should also be good for muse, but i don't know how much it costs. Surely its not long until you've done your exams at this time of the year? Do well and maybe you'll get it bought for you.

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yes, having thought about it futher, its probably better to hunt down a yamaha guitar pack, with either the pacifica 112 (the one with one humbucker pickups) or the black one with two pickups (probably better for muse). They also make a tele-style one with two humbuckers, which should also be good for muse, but i don't know how much it costs. Surely its not long until you've done your exams at this time of the year? Do well and maybe you'll get it bought for you.


My last exam is the 22nd june and i can't wat til i get my results (end of august) to get a guitar. Plus, my family wouldn't buy me one. I'm just gonna have to get a lot of work done so i can buy one myself.


When it comes to exams, guitars are the bigest revision throw off ever, its so hard to revise when u have a guitar by your side.

And yea that's a good point!

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112 is good, just to chuck in a diff model tho, looks liike a really really pretty guitar to me and its a few awards, Yamaha AES620 http://www.yamaha.com/yamahavgn/CDA/ContentDetail/ModelSeriesDetail/0,6373,CNTID%253D24987%2526CTID%253D223450,00.html


bit more expensive but still sounds like great value for money, I like the translucent red mmm...

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cool, thanx for recommending that. i'm swayed by looks tho :LOL:. i also found this guitar on ebay and a cheap marshall amp. what do u think?

I know it's an encore but it's so perty

Agh, I know you`ve been warned...but those Encore `strats` are shite! They`re much smaller....disconcertingly light, play like ass munch and sound like dog mess.


For the dosh, you honestly won`t get much better than the Pacific. They`re a good play! :D

Get one with a bridge humbucker if you can. (and maple fingerboard YUM!)



Wow... with a nice Mattocaster body! :D


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Hey guys :) i was just wondering if anyone could help me, i haven't seen this thread posted before so.. I'm planning on buying an electric guitar in June, i now only play the accoustic (about 3/4 of a year) and am getting the hang of it pretty quick, but my lessons only start in September. Can anyone help me out as to which guitars i should take a look at as a beginner, not the cheapest but not too expensive?? I was thinking some kind of Fender or Ibanez.. anyone who can help me out who knows more on the subject?? cheers :D

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ive got squier strat which is really good, im not really an expert on guitars but theres nothing wrong with it and its great to play, only problem is, ive had 3 strings snap in 3 weeks on the saddle, but after having it checked out, its just my playing style that did it and a bit of bad luck. if you're not that bothered about prices, the setup pack is about £200 and if i were you, id ask a shop about getting new pickups and, depending on the model, a thicker scratchplate than 1 ply as the screw positioning on the scratchplate is lacking at the top which does make a handy place to wedge my pick, but when somebody else was using it, they managed to push it down inside my guitar which was a nuisance. ive not got any new pickups as of yet, but my suggestion would be a bridge seymour duncan hotrail which is a small form of humbucker pickup. as for the bridge and neck regular fender or seymour duncan single coils for strat would be a sensible suggestion and you'd want to get the hotrail coil tapped, which means that you could use it as a single coil pickup aswell.


if you dont understand bits of that, post back here or e-mail me at donbenjy@hotmail.com as i cant be bothered explaining stuff if you already know about it. if you do want advice on pickups, i know the basics and could suggest a few arrangements and modifications that would give you a wider option although you really should ask biblical about them as he knows practically EVERYTHING :D:LOL:

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My first electric was a Vintage SG. I tend to avoid fender and fender-esque things like the plague, but that's for personal reasons. If I had a little more money when I was buying, I'd probably have gone for an Ibanez S series

(I was going to get an Ibanez S470DX, such as sexy guitar) or an Epiphone.


IMO, squiers cost too much for their sound (and the stratocaster is THE most copied shape in the world, mostly by really cheap makes. Don't you want to stand out a little?), cheap yamahas tend to sound like a plank of pine with strings on, and don't even think the word 'Encore'.


Vintage tend to make their guitars really well, and their necks are pretty damn confortable. My ex guitar teacher was amazed at the SG I bought, saying how good a sound it has (slightly mellower than the Les paul, but can also be nice and trebly), and what a nice design it is overall, with perfect access to all frets (the frets finish before it joins the body). This guy is an amzing guitar player, whowas in a blues band who toured with John Lee Hooker, so does know what he's talking about. And anyway, it's easy to upgrade the pups etc. if the guitars well made.

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Not another fucking thread on beginners guitars :mad:


...Ibanez - I have an Ibanez RGT42, great guitar, I have played cheaper Ibanezes and the quality is still excellent. My local guitar shop once had an RG321 in there second hand, it had been trashed on stage, I asked to try it and it still played and sounded really good.


Squier - My first guitar was a Squier Strat, seemed ok at the time, but as I improved the problems with one of these showed, although it can take a good beating, as I have discovered with mine.


Epiphone - I don't like Les Pauls, they sound great, just too heavy, SG's are amazing though, similar sound and playibility, just not as heavy, good for jumping around and not risking back problems later in life.


Yamaha - Similar to Ibanez in that the cheap guitars get as much care as the higher end ones get, well maybe a bit less, but nothing major, unlike Fender. The only time I've used a Pacifica was when I was looking to get a distortion pedal and I was trying a Boss MT-2 Metal Zone, which turned out to be the most overrated pedal ever made, so I can't comment on the sound, it played ok though, the RGX range play really well and don't cost a bomb and is similar to the Ibanez RG range, just not as expansive and is just a copy of the Ibanez RG's, but still good.


Anyway, thats my opinion on different brands, although there are enough "beginner guitar" threads, just try looking at some of the others. The thing to remember is that just because someone says something is good or bad doesn't make it so (unless its Squier).

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Well boo hoo sorry haze but if its so bad u didnt have to answer :p and i used search but couldnt find any.. and if i missed the rest then sorry the mods can take it away easily :) tnx for posting anyway :D and thanks to everyone for your feedback!!! haha im not quite sure what everything is at the mo.. but i'm working on it and hopefully i can ask someone else if they can help me out :D so far i might be considering a Vintage SG and some kind of Ibanez.. oh one more question.. when you guys bought your first electric guitar, did u notice that the people who worked in the shop we're realkly trying to help you with chosing? Or more just trying to make money? Are there any tips that you could give me maybe??? thanks again ;):D

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for about £300-400 you can get this,


show.php?partno=0262100 or







they are a little expensive but it will last you a hell of a long time, and youd get a really nice sound out of the pickups too.


btw these are japanese fenders not squires, they feel like an american and sound better.


vintage are mint for thier quality:cash ratio, my friend got their prs copy and it sounded great, put some real prs pickups in and itd sound really really good

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Well boo hoo sorry haze but if its so bad u didnt have to answer :p and i used search but couldnt find any.. and if i missed the rest then sorry the mods can take it away easily :) tnx for posting anyway :D and thanks to everyone for your feedback!!! haha im not quite sure what everything is at the mo.. but i'm working on it and hopefully i can ask someone else if they can help me out :D so far i might be considering a Vintage SG and some kind of Ibanez.. oh one more question.. when you guys bought your first electric guitar, did u notice that the people who worked in the shop we're realkly trying to help you with chosing? Or more just trying to make money? Are there any tips that you could give me maybe??? thanks again ;):D


I don't have a problem with it, it's that Kev went to all that work on the FAQ and if no one bothers to read it, it was a waste of time, which would be a shame due to the amount of work put into it.

Staff in guitars shops are usually helpful, unless its a teenager working there on a Saturday.

A useful tip is to pretend that you act like you don't know what is available, so they let you try out more stuff.

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