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I don't know what you mean here, unless you mean Citizen Erased could be easily replaced by almost most of their songs? I can't tell...

No I'm saying almost any song from their discography would be the best song of the night with their "current" setlists.

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I wouldn't mind Citizen Erased getting a break, it's one of my favourites but I'd still say it's overrated. It's a bit of an odd song in a sense because along with Bliss it's gotten a reputation as a rare song even though it's been played pretty regularly for over ten years (except 2009).

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* They need to keep playing Dark Shines and/or Hyper Music. Amazing live.


* Showbiz and Muscle Museum need to come back.


* Three piano songs should be minimum. Rotate rare piano tracks for one slot in the piano section, add in one piano song from the new album, and have USoE be the singalong instead of FG.


* They shouldn't be afraid to play some of the more obscure tracks from the new album. They will most likely be the best songs on there anyway.


* Citizen Erased can stay imho. Fantastic live song.


* Bring back Dead Star, if not for arena/stadium gigs then for festivals at the very least.


* Keep the songs that weren't shit on the TR tour in the setlist (no New Born, Guiding Light etc)


EDIT: * And stop fucking closing with Knights already.

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Wrong thread, wrong section, I know, I didn't want to open a new thread.


It seems that Dom told a fan today outside of the studio that they'll play in Paris in october and in Bologna in november, and that the album has something System Of a Down-like, mixed to electronica

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Wrong thread, wrong section, I know, I didn't want to open a new thread.


It seems that Dom told a fan today outside of the studio that they'll play in Paris in october and in Bologna in november, and that the album has something System Of a Down-like, mixed to electronica


Ooh :) but jealous of people who live near these places :( hope they do something in the UK.

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Ok, chrissygirl92 on twitter says that Dom told her that the album will come out in November, and they'll do warm-up gigs in UK (O2) & France (Bercy) in october. A single (obviously) will come out before the album release date.


2 months more :(


November :'( as if we havn't waited long enough! So gutted :( even if we had a single in August I'd be ok but that doesn't seem likely now

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How expensive are they normally?


It can vary, Sheperds Bush in 2006 (IIRC it was a promo gig) was free, the only people who paid were the people who didn't win the competition to get a ticket and had to buy the left-overs from people who couldn't go.

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Personally, the two gigs I've seen them were Manchester LCCC - 4th September 2010 and Leeds festival - August 26th 2011. Manchester had an amazing, and long setlist with 21 songs (22 if you class the House Of The Rising Sun intro as it's own song) featuring Citizen Erased, Nishe, Exogenesis Part 1, Unnatural Selection, New Born and the Glastonbury 2004 intro to Butterflies And Hurricanes, which was brilliant. Then of course Leeds with OoS in it's entirety (barring Futurism) and then general Resistance tour stuff (barring MOTP which I was looking forward to) but seeing all these comments, it has ruined it a bit for me. I'm listening to Unintended now, my God how brilliant would it be to hear this now? Almost impossible, yet still brilliant. I do hope their next album is focused more on us OoS enthusiasts and less on these who only like Supermassive Black Hole and Undisclosed Desires and call themselves "Muse fans". Supermassive Black Hole is very Muse but Undisclosed could have been made by a different band. I think Undisclosed ruined The Resistance a little for me. If they really choose to head in the general direction of Undisclosed with the new album, things really have got bad. Let's just hope they get their heads in gear and throw Bliss back in regularly :D

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Personally, the two gigs I've seen them were Manchester LCCC - 4th September 2010 and Leeds festival - August 26th 2011. Manchester had an amazing, and long setlist with 21 songs (22 if you class the House Of The Rising Sun intro as it's own song) featuring Citizen Erased, Nishe, Exogenesis Part 1, Unnatural Selection, New Born and the Glastonbury 2004 intro to Butterflies And Hurricanes, which was brilliant. Then of course Leeds with OoS in it's entirety (barring Futurism) and then general Resistance tour stuff (barring MOTP which I was looking forward to) but seeing all these comments, it has ruined it a bit for me. I'm listening to Unintended now, my God how brilliant would it be to hear this now? Almost impossible, yet still brilliant. I do hope their next album is focused more on us OoS enthusiasts and less on these who only like Supermassive Black Hole and Undisclosed Desires and call themselves "Muse fans". Supermassive Black Hole is very Muse but Undisclosed could have been made by a different band. I think Undisclosed ruined The Resistance a little for me. If they really choose to head in the general direction of Undisclosed with the new album, things really have got bad. Let's just hope they get their heads in gear and throw Bliss back in regularly :D



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I do hope their next album is focused more on us OoS enthusiasts and less on these who only like Supermassive Black Hole and Undisclosed Desires and call themselves "Muse fans".


I'm pretty sure they focused on the fans of Origin enough with Leeds/Reading.


I'm not going to get into the rest of your post because not only can I not be arsed but it can generally be summed up with "Wait...what?".

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