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If Coldplay are £50-55 for an arena tour, and Rush/Radiohead £65-75, you can bet Muse will be wanting to charge the same. A damned shame if true.


Personally, I'd be a lot happier if they reduced the theatrics and made it cheaper so I don't look at each new announcement with sheer dread - and this is coming from the man who desperately wants to see Roger Water's current tour of 'The Wall' and considers The Flaming Lips the pinnacle of a live show.

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I personally thought the towers looked great and im hoping for something like that this tour as I have yet to see anything live with that much effort put into the set...


Yet the stadium pyramid stage looked way too over the top and didnt look as good as the more stripped back wembley '07 set up imo

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Something like reading, amazing stage, amazing visuals but not so large that the band get swamped by it all - from what I saw on tv/YouTube anyway


I really liked the set up at Reading. Big screen in the background for visuals and some other stuff on the stage for added effects. Something like that would be nice to see on this next tour.

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I hope it too. I just wish they gave more importance to visuals. Tom and his crew do an amazing job.


I really liked the set up at Reading. Big screen in the background for visuals and some other stuff on the stage for added effects. Something like that would be nice to see on this next tour.


Hopefully they took note of the rave reviews fans gave the R/L visuals. Such a simple setup, and everyone seemed to love it!

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From Zenith de Nantes facebook page:


ils sont 3...

ils ne jouent que 3 dates en France dont Nantes...

ils reviennent au Zénith en octobre...

le nom du groupe se résume en 4 lettres...


................................annonce demain matin !


It roughly says that a three-member band, who's got a four-letter name, is coming back to the Zenith in october.

There's great chances that mysterious band turns out to be Muse, announcement tomorrow morning according to them.

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a reliable little birdie informed me of the major bullet points of the general plans for the upcoming tour, as well as general details re: the stage set that will be making its way around a good portion of the globe late this fall / early next year.


think big -- real big. and 'in the round'...

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From Zenith de Nantes facebook page:




It roughly says that a three-member band, who's got a four-letter name, is coming back to the Zenith in october.

There's great chances that mysterious band turns out to be Muse, announcement tomorrow morning according to them.


Sounds good !

I guess there will be one concert in Bercy, one in Nantes and one in Montpellier (in the new Arena). I hope for 2 Bercy though...:D

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You only have to listen to the album trailer to realise that this all seems very very world trouble/political, on an even grander scale than The Resistance was. We wont be seeing anything other than a more over the top show than the last tour, which i for one am glad about. I still loved seeing the Leeds stage show last year, but the arena and stadium shows on The Resistance tour were just incredible.

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a reliable little birdie informed me of the major bullet points of the general plans for the upcoming tour, as well as general details re: the stage set that will be making its way around a good portion of the globe late this fall / early next year.


think big -- real big. and 'in the round'...


By 'round' I'm guessing you mean they have a 360 stage? Matt has said how he loves having the crowd all around him. Also, not so sure I like the 'big' part, there seemed to be a general consensus on here (which I agree with) that the 'simple' set-up at L/R 2011 was great and should be kept. They really have no need to go bigger.


That Zenith thing is interesting also. I wouldn't have thought they'd be announcing gigs just yet though.

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Please no 360 stage. U2 did it and a major complaint was staring at the bands back for the majority of a gig.


This. From seeing footage of the band perform on a couple of 360 stages, they don't balance it out well, most of the crowd ends up seeing their backs for most of the show.


That and, surely, they'd have to spread the speakers out in different directions so they faced different sections of the crowd instead of them all facing one crowd so the sound would be quieter and have less of a kick to it? I could be wrong, I'm just assuming that's what they would do/would happen.

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