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Manson Signature Guitars DL-1 (Delorean)


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did I hear someone shout jizzmobile? :pope:




Had a quick go at the DL-1 just now. First impression:

Loud guitar but still very warm and open sounding, almost a bit accoustical at times. Pretty high output it seems but without mud and screech to go with it.

Never played a P-90 before so that was a cool first one for me. What can I say? Fat fat and then some fat on top of it. Warm and big clean sound in the neck position. The MBK-2 also: warm and round sounding with a little single coil twang on top. This guitar sounds a lot more bluesy than I had imagined. That´s good for versatility.

I compared it to my Axis and my Les Paul. The Les Paul is loaded with Nailbombs so was kind of an equal match. They sound a bit the same but once again: DL-1 sounds more open and warm. Few guitars can match the fatness and mids of a Les Paul, but the DL-1 actually did quite well in that field also.

Conclusion so far: warmer, rounder, more open and bigger sounding than I had imagined. MBK-2 is not as high output as I had thought but even so more vintage, bluesy and responsive. And an internal Fuzz Factory was actually more fun than expected:)


Well don´t know if that made any sense at all. Trials continue!


Wow, awesome shots, fantastic you finally got it. Sounds amazing.

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HOLY SWEET FUCKING JESUS OPIE! That is stunning! Truly beautiful! It looks amazing! I'm kind of speechless apart from that! Just amazing! It also reminds me how much I want to get my own DSLR, but with guitar plans taking up all my finances for the next year or two, I'm going to have to be patient on that I think...Oh and I absolutely love the Gibson packaging! :LOL:






Taaaaaaake ooooooooff youuuuuur diiiiiiiisguuuiiiiiiseeeeee!!!!!!!!


I knoooooowwwww that uuuuuundeeerrrrneeaaaaathh.....IT'S A MAAAAANSOOOOOOON!!!!!!! :LOL:

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HOLY SWEET FUCKING JESUS OPIE! That is stunning! Truly beautiful! It looks amazing! I'm kind of speechless apart from that! Just amazing! It also reminds me how much I want to get my own DSLR, but with guitar plans taking up all my finances for the next year or two, I'm going to have to be patient on that I think...Oh and I absolutely love the Gibson packaging! :LOL:




Taaaaaaake ooooooooff youuuuuur diiiiiiiisguuuiiiiiiseeeeee!!!!!!!!


I knoooooowwwww that uuuuuundeeerrrrneeaaaaathh.....IT'S A MAAAAANSOOOOOOON!!!!!!! :LOL:

do it, but you'll need some awesome lenses to get good quality, it's not just the bodeh!


going rock with my prime lenses when i get mine to take some photos too, sadly no macro lens :(

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same here, opie was selling it

other owners gave BORING and UNENGAGING reviews :p (especially when english is their first language)


WELL. :phu:








I waited since last november-ish to get this, and I think it was worth it. Wasn't quite as impatient as I was when I ordered the MB-1 though.


Build quality is excellent. No flaws at all. Neck joint is incredibly tight. The aluminum/paint match is pretty much perfect. Everything is top notch about it really...hardware, finish, wood, everything...


Sound is a bit different than the MB-1, which is very upper mid focused. This is mostly lower mids. I have the MBK-3 in it though, which apparently isn't as bright as the MBK-2. Neck pickup sounds massive. I think this leans more towards a gibson sound, while the MB-1 is right between a fender and a gibson... if that makes sense.


Playability is pretty much the same as the MB-1 as they have very similar necks, although for some reason, this neck seems a bit chunkier. There wasn't an official spec change or anything though. It doesn't have quite as much string rattle, but supposedly that has to do with the sustainer pickup the MB-1 has. Neck is on the smaller side, but it still fits your hand perfectly. I sort of prefer the neck size they do on their customs, but it's basically the same profile... just the DL-1 and MB-1 necks are a bit smaller overall.


I don't use the built in fuzz factory too often, but I felt it would be wrong not having one in this guitar. Same with the custom hardware (which looks amazing). String changing is a bit more time consuming since you can't put a string winder on the tuning heads though.


It also has an engraved neck plate, which the last run of MB-1s didn't have. The case is basically the same as the MB-1, but it's stamped DL-1 rather than MB-1 of course.


Only thing I can say that wasn't perfect when I got it was the setup, but I've pretty much sorted that now...I guess it's expected anyway.



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Crazybobbles : Nah, I've got the custom and about £1000 worth of effects pedals I want to get, then a £2000 amp, whilst also funding my time at university, so I'm completely occupied on the money side for the next 2 years. I'm going to Japan the year after all that though, so I could probably get an awesome camera there for about half the price! :p


And LOL at James trying to sound like he's reviewing it while not owning about 10 other better guitars! :chuckle:

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Haha, yeah, I know, I'm just kidding. But obviously there's a difference in review from someone who's just got their first Manson, and someone who has a fair few lying around to compare them with, which at the least, takes away a fair amount of the excitement and stuff. Just the way the review was quite formal and making comparisons to the MB-1, etc, made me chuckle. But it's all good. ;)

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Thanks for all the kind comments!


Only thing I can say that wasn't perfect when I got it was the setup, but I've pretty much sorted that now...I guess it's expected anyway.


What about the setup didn´t you like? So far I find the action to be set a bit high and I think the neck relief is a bit too generous. The relief is in fact more than I have seen on a guitar for a long time. Will probably make a few adjustments. I usually gladly trade some increased string rattle for lower action.

About the MBK-2 I can´t say I find it to be very bright so far but I´m away a few days now so more exploring has to wait.

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Thanks for all the nice comments!




What about the setup didn´t you like? So far I find the action to be set a bit high and I think the neck relief is a bit too generous. The relief is in fact more than I have seen on a guitar for a long time. Will probably make a few adjustments. I usually gladly trade some increased string rattle for lower action.

About the MBK-2 I can´t say I find it to be very bright so far but I´m away a few days now so more exploring has to wait.


That's odd - it was the exact same thing with mine. Too much relief in the neck and the action was a tad high. I'm wondering if they didn't have enough time to settle or something.


They generally set the action at a nice medium, but I can understand that it might be a little high for some people.


I'd set the neck relief first and then mess with the action. The truss rod on mine needed about a quarter turn, but it appears to be pretty much fine now.


As for the MBK-2, that's interesting. The MB-1 is definitely on the brighter side with the same pickup...maybe the ali top is the reason the DL-1 sounds different.

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I'd set the neck relief first and then mess with the action. The truss rod on mine needed about a quarter turn, but it appears to be pretty much fine now.


Cool. Did you manage to adjust the truss rod without unbolting the neck? I see they have, sort of, made a cut out for the adjustment but it looks very narrow. Don´t want to scratch the top just because of my chronic laziness...

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Cool. Did you manage to adjust the truss rod without unbolting the neck? I see they have, sort of, made a cut out for the adjustment but it looks very narrow. Don´t want to scratch the top just because of my chronic laziness...


Nah I removed the neck - I know there's that cutout, but it's probably not meant for a screwdriver to fit. The MB-1 has one as well, but I think it's even smaller.

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Nah I removed the neck - I know there's that cutout, but it's probably not meant for a screwdriver to fit. The MB-1 has one as well, but I think it's even smaller.


One special tool to rule them all! No guess it takes a neck removal to adjust it then. The cutout is probably just a teaser.


By the way really love the Manson guitar strap. I thought it looked a bit cheap and plastic like on pictures but turns out to be the nicest leather strap I have ever used. Looks nice and vintage too.

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Man, I'd be pissed if I spend £3K on a guitar and the first thing I had to do when I got it was take the neck off! :LOL:


Urgh, my passion for the DL-1 grows every time someone posts in this thread :LOL:


Whatever you do, don't look through Opie's Flickr album! :LOL:

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Man, I'd be pissed if I spend £3K on a guitar and the first thing I had to do when I got it was take the neck off! :LOL:


Chances are you won't have to (since it's not traveling too far and isn't going to be stuck in customs), but I guess it depends how picky you are about the setup and playability.


I think all but three or four of them have needed a slight tweak in the setup one way or another shortly after I received them.

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I'll just see how it feels when I get it then. Chances are that I'll try and adapt to it if it's different to avoid having to re-set it all up myself! :chuckle:


Unless the action's far too high, in which case I'll come on here in tears asking how to fix it! :LOL:

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they set the action at a medium level as I said. not ridiculously high or anything, but some people might prefer it lower.


the DL-1 did have too much relief in the neck, but I don't think it was to the point where it was affecting the action. I didn't really give it a good play when it was like that though.

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I agree with James that the action is set at a happy medium that would probably suite most players. Personally I find it a bit too high and will adjust it. From some pictures I have seen it looks like Matts guitars have a pretty high action on them.

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I'll just see how it feels when I get it then. Chances are that I'll try and adapt to it if it's different to avoid having to re-set it all up myself! :chuckle:


Unless the action's far too high, in which case I'll come on here in tears asking how to fix it! :LOL:


Doing adjustments yourself really isn´t that hard and is an absolute must I think to get to know your instruments. And it saves you money to do your own teching.

Adjusting the truss rod takes some getting used to, and the key word is patience. Making too many and and too aggressive moves on it will ruin the neck.

Youtube has a lot of great tutorials for all this.

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Doing adjustments yourself really isn´t that hard and is an absolute must I think to get to know your instruments. And it saves you money to do your own teching.

Adjusting the truss rod takes some getting used to, and the key word is patience. Making too many and and too aggressive moves on it will ruin the neck.

Youtube has a lot of great tutorials for all this.


I wouldn't trust youtube for something like this.


"Hi youtube, guitarman028429489 here. To make your action lower, tighten your truss rod all the way. That way, the neck has more forward bow and less relief, making it easier to play."


I haven't really damaged anything setting up a guitar, but if you don't know what you're doing, it would probably best to have a TRUSTWORTHY tech do it.


I've actually learned most of this stuff myself, but I've got a book from stewmac as well...managed to save one of my guitar's necks from a trick in that book.

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