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Manson Signature Guitars DL-1 (Delorean)


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Would any DL-1 owners be so kind as to take some good close up pictures where the aluminum top meets the painted sides? I'm looking into doing the same on a guitar I'm planning and want to see how continuous it looks around the edges. Thanks!


Also, if anyone has some good videos of the MBK-3 in action those would be awesome too ;)


do you need this ?













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Ohhh you got yours? How is it?


yes !!!! it's very great !!! she is so beautiful and she sound really heavy, effects are very good with Matt setup and Tim pose a 0,60 string like Matt, I must accustom my finger but it's very good. Tim say MBK-3 is a very good choice too because it sound very good with aluminium finish and P90 is incredible too !!! I'm very happy of this great guitar ;)


Looks really nice, Kageeby. Congratulations!


Oh, thank you very much ;) have you yours now ? you can call me Seb ;)

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Oh, thank you very much have you yours now ? you can call me Seb


Alright Seb:) Unfortunately not. Looks like they are severely swamped with work over there. Got a new correct quote one week ago (14 days after the first incorrect one) and paid the final balance. Checked with them yesterday and they still hadn´t shipped it. Hope for it to happen any day now...

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Alright Seb:) Unfortunately not. Looks like they are severely swamped with work over there. Got a new correct quote one week ago (14 days after the first incorrect one) and paid the final balance. Checked with them yesterday and they still hadn´t shipped it. Hope for it to happen any day now...


;) it's better ;) oh, shit, not cool, you must be so impatient to have it !!!! You'll play without stop when you'll have it ;)

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How do you like the MBK-3 by they way?


I've not a lot of time to play it but what I can heard, it sound very heavy, like I love, it's very the ideal pickup for me and P90 is great too !!! MBK-3 is the best choice I think and Tim too ;) I'll explore it again in the week end for tell you more ;)

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Cool, did they say when it's supposed to be delivered? tomorrow?


Haven´t talked to them, only emailed the payment details. But it´s supposed to go out as soon as they can confirm the payment (I sent them a screen shot from my internet bank as that was supposedly proof enough). So if I´m lucky: later today, but most likely tomorrow. They only deliver before 4PM.

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Thanks guys!!

I´ll post some pics when I get it (and before all the fingerprints...)


One step closer:


05 Sep 2011 14:08:21 Oslo Shipment Released Following Customs Inspection.


That means tomorrow unless somebody f´s up over at TNT:D

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