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Posts posted by psychosaff

  1. Matt gave an interview to 1LIVE, a German radio station:



    here are the main facts:

    - new album late 2018

    - europe tour 2018

    - they wanna release a new song every 3-4 months

    - new album influenced by "burning man festival", many songs with EBM elements and Hiphop beats







    Looks like the album will be pure shit.


    If they do it right, it could be something really epic.

  2. Well, the song. Had one listen and thought wtf.... It's kinda good, then kinda bad ... gospel reminds me of George Michael :( "Freedom" U2 is in there, Queen... then the guitar break, yeah! And then?


    No song for me, but it could've been worse.


    The chorus is totally Freedom, it's the first thing I thought of when I first listened to it. It's grown on me, and I like the layers it has leading up to the end.


    T2L has aged well I think, so I'm optimistic if they wanna go that route again.

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