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Posts posted by torby

  1. Pehaps the Mods are being a bit "over zealous" when it comes to "locking threads"?


    Do they actually read them before locking? What if the thread required "urgent" answers to a problem NOT addressed in the other thread?


    Her's an open question to the Mods


    With all due respect, you locked my thread re: "non arrival of tickets from Ticketmaster."


    While I understand the need not to repost threads of similar subjects to avoid cluttering up the Forum (and I had searched) the thread I had started bears NO resemblance to any other thread started, what you have effectively done has ruined my chances of me receiving MY tickets for the Belfast gig.


    Because you locked my thread I only had enough time to receive 1 answer, which may now actually confirm my fears, that I will NOT get my tickets in time for the show.


    Thanks a bunch, perhaps you will in future actually read a thread BEFORE you lock it.

  2. decisions , decisions, hoping to get my presale code sorted shortly, (bit of a faux pas...originally registered in June but couldn't remember user name and password....doh....so re registered after the date....lol) but will it be the same code for Belfast as Dublin....I had originally planned for Dublin....Belfast was REALLY late in being announced, but it would be easier to get to....hope I haven't messed up by saying I wanted Dublin first.

  3. Presale codes.....I was excited when they announced the Drones Tour...and I knew I was on the site way back in June....but I couldn't see my presale code....so I registered again....but since then I remembered my user name and password....but still no presale code....I'm panicking now because presale starts tomorrow morning....what have I done wrong?


    Thanks anyone who can help:)

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