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Everything posted by MrPsycho

  1. I won't be dissapointed if they don't release the song, we're a week from the release of the album, and if they don't release anything today we have the fun of the first gig in Germany today. I'm okay.
  2. Then we wait, Friday is such a weird day to release a new song, but well is Muse, nothing makes much sense with they, they might also release the song without any notice today.
  3. Well it makes sense, doesn't it? I mean it's the start of the new tour, or at least the one this summer, and this people (today in Germany) won't get any other chance of listenning those new songs until, at least, next year, so yeah, I feek optmist about new songs being played today. Not sure which songs though. Besides the already classic 'The Handler' I feel like 'Defector' could work great live too, based on reviews and what I feel after watch that making of. Just read the timeable Hedrigall posted, 2 hours is pretty great, the longer the gig, the more chances we have of new songs, I hope they do the same in July!!
  4. My girlrfirend is having fun watching me all hyped and excited about the new album and such, she loves Psycho and is pretty excited to watch their gig next july, (her first Muse's gig BTW)
  5. Don't remember if T2L had an ealry release date in other countries. Yeah, so album released first September 28 in some countries pretty much the same this countries than this time.... But I think the stream of JB was the night of 23 to 24... Maybe the veterans around can tell
  6. It would be great, but being one week from the release, what I want is to listen the album. Altough this weekend starts the summer festival tour, the might play The Handler. Who knows
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