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Posts posted by Hedrigall

  1. It's just not what people wanted/expected, for the most part.


    Oh, and the mixing DOES seem to be a bit lacking.


    It's pretty much what I expected and what I wanted after hearing the live bootleg. I think they nailed the studio version, in terms of heaviness, instrument effects, vocals, synth, etc. It's my favourite song from Drones so far. Love it.


    As for mixing, I'm not an expert but I agree the mp3 download sounds a bit fuzzy. I'll wait to see what the album version is like.

  2. I'm thinking there's a possibility that The Globalist won't have the whistling or the chair crashing, and that they just did it as a joke for the DVD when it occurred to them that the chord progression was similar or something.


    I'm probably wrong though :D

  3. I got a record a Mercy

    Do you want it ?


    I just heard it from the bootleg a redditor uploaded!


    Sounds a bit like Starlight. Piano in beginning, what sounds like synth arpeggios before the chorus, chorus starts "Show me.. MERRRCYYYYY" then I can't make out any other lyrics.

  4. Now a guy on the Muse subreddit is saying there was a pre-show album listening party that only a few lucky people got to go to. His quote, my bolding for emphasis:


    Unreal show! Crazy seeing one of the biggest bands in world basically playing a "room". Phones were taken beforehand, some people had won tix that included the preshow listening party, but not everyone. Show was intense! Mercy almost def gonna be a single...great chorus
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