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Claudia O

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Everything posted by Claudia O

  1. the sad thing is, this teenager beauty-mess is not new! It even got worse since my teenage days some peeps wake up and realise their own stupidity, but the large amount of people believe it and there is hardly a way to change their minds! Starts with their parents, living the beauty-dream.. but this is just one problem. a lot of people would jump into the sea if their idols do...do you know what I mean? and I have to say the majority of humans are not capable to have their own opinion, they need someone to tell them what to do or think. I'm no fan of conspiracies theorists, like you said they talk about it but don't do something about it.
  2. Yes, I only wanted to give an example. Well, I only read 1984 some month ago for the first time, but sadly some things are reality now and I think some have been reality back then hut nobody knew about it.
  3. I think Matt takes this very seriously! He once talked about algorhytms, and since then I think about it when I watch a film on Netflix and browse through the films (that a computer suggests me "because you watched.." ...so it directs me to watch similar films). Last time I used the search function to look for a specific film, and it was a film that was not suggested in the lists.... This is kinda mind control, a machine tells you what you could/should watch! The same happens with youtube, I watch something I searched for, and then you get suggestions "what I might like as well", I try to escspe this but it's not always possible mind control is a very important issue, and I don't think Matt talks about it seriously, and then makes fun out of it after an interview AND I think a lot of people aren't aware that they get manipulated every day. Edit: commercials, newspapers and news on telly, radio, polititians or simply if you believe everything you read on the net, things your favourite singers/actors say...mind controll. You have to open your eyes, have your own opinions and don't believe everything.
  4. Finally! Reading back the whole conversation hereabout miming, and thinking to myself someone is fooling us here with the wrong audio to the clip and wantinf to read everything and then writing my thoughts about it. I think someone exchanged the audio for fun or trolling fun, wtf, and now someone wrote down my thoughts! Ok, need to read the rest of this conversation.. Edit: interesting that the forum comes to life with bad, sad and dissapointing things and rumours are spread around...poor Muse!
  5. Hm, das schaff i doch nie! Müsst ich ja bis Mai warten denke aber, dass ich mir von heute in Mexico youtube videos und Fotos geben werde, aber nicht jeden Tag dem allem hinterherrennen werde...hab ich das grad echt geschrieben?
  6. Lovely interview, but was Chris walking around or even upstairs? He seemed out of breath a bit nice informations
  7. Hi! Also oeticket, die Stadthalle selber haben keine Tickets mehr, PSI music hat noch Stehplätze (dachte mir, die sind sonst als erste ausverkauft...) und 1 Billigsitzplatz-Kategorie .. das wird schon mit dem Ausverkauft! Und übrigens, für Twitterer: nicht auf das #showbizforvienna vergessen:D
  8. Aww! You really had me hyped again! Just read it back, and thought ok maybe Muse will try this set in Mexico and change it a bit from time to time. And i thought "But I want to hear Globalist live :$" And then Ryan said "It was me..." but thank you, you brought back some life into the board!!! Edit: did you put it on Twitter as well?
  9. I didn't understand everything tbh, and Matt fell back into his high-speed-chatting which I enjoy but ... i think he meant that people listen to single songs every now and then, and not to a whole album in one go?
  10. Nein, sorry. Ich mag das Lied nicht und das Video auch nicht - vielleicht wegen dem Lied? Hm..finde das Lied passt nicht dazu...gut gefilmt ist es ja, etwas kitschig aber schon. Meine Meinung. Ich find aber z.B. das Video zu Dead inside (Original) echt gut gelungen, und am besten von Drones gefällt mir momentan das Video zu Reapers! Da ist das Konzept des Liedes sehr gut umgesetzt, die Verfolgung usw. Da kriegt man echt eine Gänsehaut...
  11. Yeah, I love the interview, too! But the different styles of music Muse have is what I really like about them! Every album is different, I enjoy the rock on Drones. But I also like the experimental side on T2L to name just these two now. When a band stands still (musically) is the most horrible thing for me. So I am excited for their next album, but first let's enjoy the tour and enjoy Drones!
  12. I tink you mean the one, was it a festival gig? when he had fun with the audience, going around on this catwalk from the stage and then messed it all up playing in the wrong key? He had troubles finding back for about one minute if I am right!
  13. ThIs was yesterday @French_Musers: Just found the London one! Thanks @muse ���� #muse #musedrones https://t.co/8x1Xu1nlQe But it is still on the map, so maybe they added some again? Because there is one in Australia now, which wasn't on the list yesterday... Edit: Melbourne, Australia has been found!
  14. Oh no! What a pity! Paris one has been found as well.
  15. Found ones: Amsterdam, somewhere in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona?) Chicago and London
  16. bis jett wurde eine in Spanien und eine In Chicago und eben die in Holland gefunden...zumindest laut Twitter, ev. schon andere nur haben die kein Twitter vielleicht? Ps: und soeben in London
  17. In eibem anderen Thread steht, dass jemand in Amsterdam hinging und dort eine signierte Lp von Drones fand...wenn das stimmt...der Ortungsdienst funktioniert bei mir nicht und mir is das zu hart das jetzt rauszufinden warum.. Verdammt, es stimmt
  18. Really? This is way better than a video But if I interpret this right, my next location is Berlin... Edit: congratulations!
  19. I don't want to start a fight, but...if you are on stage, singing a song, see a flag with blue stripes and a sun and vaguely know Argentina has these things in their flag...
  20. But I heard he got the right flag later on! And it's not important to know every flag of the world and why is someone throwing the wrong flag on stage...AND they do look quite similar *hidesunderthetable*
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