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Claudia O

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Everything posted by Claudia O

  1. Ok… call me old-fashioned, but to me they sound too sterile, there‘s no warmth, soulless. It sounds unfinished to me. Matt said they wanted to make them sound more modern, well this is the problem I have with most modern (charts)music… it‘s too perfect! I know those are the original recordings, but did they cut out faults or something like that? Cut off edges? I stick to the original.
  2. Gut für uns Fans 😁👍 In Österreich können sie die Wiener Stadthalle einmal füllen, pro Tournee … oder wie halt letztes Mal in Graz die Stadthalle .. auch nicht grad super! Aber ich bin froh, dass sie überhaupt herkommen 😅
  3. Because it‘s a very common time to release an album, right before x-mas 😎 ST - 9 November Drones - June (ok….) T2l - 28 September Resistance - 14 September Bhar - 2 July … Absolution - September OOS - 17 July Showbiz - September Ok, autumn or spring /summer .. but more often in autumn. When I worked in a record store, most albums from the huge stars were released before christmas, because people would buy them more often . Just do a Halloween album @ muse ... 😊
  4. There‘s no thread for it 😨 Release date: 12 June 2021 Not sure if I should buy it … 🤔
  5. I think they‘ll release it in autumn, hopefully this year - but I don‘t think so. So autumn 2022...
  6. Finally 😎 https://www.instagram.com/p/CP6Xo7IjPs1/?utm_medium=copy_link
  7. Hi Sabine! Ich bin kein grosser Fan von Festivals, ich war noch nie auf einem..das Campen is so gar nicht meins. In Wien gab es vor ein paar Jahren ein Festival, Rock in Vienna, da konnte man Tagestickets kaufen und eben dann nach den Konzerten in einem Hotel übernachten, oder heimfahren. Es war in Wien, alsonicht im Nirgendwo ohne Öffis! U-Bahnstation quasi vor dem Gelände, oder Strassenbahn... das wär es geswesen, Muse spielten dort, aber ich kannte erst sehr kurz eine jetzige gute Freundin, die auch Muser ist, und allein wollt ich nicht hingehen 😫 ärgere mich immer noch drüber... Verbieten kann mir sowas niemand. Gibt es nicht eine !öglichkeit, ein Tagesticket ohne Camping zu buchen? Ist das Festival recht weit ausserhalb? Könntest du mit Freunden hingehen? Nur mal so ein paar Anregungen für dich, doch honzukommen 🙂
  8. Another gig at a festival next year! The tweet says 22June, the poster says 17 June .. we‘ll see it then ...
  9. Third photo, there‘s Caris and Mabel. so I guess Chris was at the party too 🥳😎 finally all 3 together .again .. I guess uncle Dom was invited as well 🤣🥳 I don‘t like trivia, but only for the cause ..
  10. Still no studio-pics but: a photo from Dom and Stacey, 📸 by Matt ...
  11. New album this year or next 🤔 My dream date: 02-02-2022 😁 2 is my lucky number
  12. I love the interview snippets for the songs, they may do it for every song and then somebody will stick them together, or the band will do it anyways 😜 ..
  13. I refuse to use Facebook. Yes I know, Insta belongs to Facebook 🙄 I rarely post on Insta. I don‘t follow Elle, I only check every now and then.
  14. Positive: I love the strings and that you can hear the organ much better! It is cleaner. There‘s a bass which fits perfectly! Negative: the loud drums. Matt‘s gasping for air and you can hear his mumbling of the lyrics better. For me it‘s a different song now, with a different feeling to it. Reminds me of the RAH performance 😊
  15. Ok guys!! Elle posted an Insta story from Teighnmouth 😎😎 everybody in the UK 🥳😎
  16. A snippet from Microcuts ... understandable lyrics, a harpsichord, cuts off right before „IIIIII‘VE SEEEEN...
  17. I asked mine about it today ( I picked up my ordered Absolution vinyl 😍 which sounds a lot better than my CD! Some parts are still cringe tough ...) , whilst looking it up he said „It‘s a live album, right?“ errm, no I replied ... he was talking about The Jaded Hearts Club 😅 „This should be really good!“ I replied yes, it is 😁 but, he‘s not sure if he‘ll get Matts album 😕 if so, he‘d sell it for about 39 Euro, he said.
  18. 🤔unfamilliar with this .. meat ... srs=sorry?
  19. Dom and Stacey are in London. The question is: Matt &family as well? Will they meet Chris and family? Will they start working on LP 9 together? 👏🤔
  20. What‘s happening here right now 🤔 Ah! A glimpse of the board I got to know some years ago, when it was still alive, with fights !I don‘t want them back, no thanks! Everybody’s got their own opinions ...
  21. ok. Finally got round to listening to it, in no rush. It‘s more heavy which is good, I always wondered why it is more rocking live! The mix sounds like they recorded it now, with Matts younger vocals 😅 But I often frowned, when suddenly there were more drums, or guitars going up the scale until it squeaked 🤨 and I say a straight NO to the ending with the strings! I would‘ve kept the dreamy phasing siren plus the strings, how would this sound like?! I still got goosebumps but it just didn‘t sound right, the dreamy atmosphere was missing. All in all I‘m happy that the original version isn‘t gone, I wouldn‘t trade it for anything! It‘s my fave Muse-song for a reason! I‘m not angry they did this mix, but as some already said here, Matt sounded like he disrespected their younger selves and their, or the record company‘s, decision back then.. or this is his good marketing stragedy 😜 All in all, nice to have but not really necessary for me.. let‘s see how the other songs turn out!
  22. Yesss! Looking forward to the livestreams 😍
  23. Yeah, ages ago I would have asked the representative of Warner Music if he knows the release date, and if I could get a promo CD plus tickets for the next gig here 😃 I was working in an electronic store, in the music (CD, vinyl, DVDs Blu-ray) department 🤣 but now ... 😕
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