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Posts posted by DyingAtheist98

  1. I was at the Munich concert and since then have been plagued by a song that was played as background music before the concert started. I know the song but cannot think of its name or where I have heard it before. I hope someone can help me!


    It was played about 15 minutes before the support group started (so at around 19:30). It was an instrumental, quite upbeat, but with interludes of strings playing an unconventional/unexpected chord progression, slightly reminiscent of the strings chord progression in "The Hanging Tree". The song in fact finished with this strings chord progression.


    I'm hoping that the pre-concert music is mostly the same from concert to concert, so perhaps someone out there can alleviate my frustration. Indeed, there are still plenty of concerts coming up, so perhaps someone who reads this before going to one of the future concerts could then give an extra listen.






    This one?

  2. This has gotten so off topic haha. No surprises there (fuckingradioheadeatitupyousuckers). Bringing it back to Drones, I kind of wish they would ditch Mercy for a bit in favour of Defector. Would be nice to see a bit of variation/a chance to see most of the album live this year


    I'd like to see Revolt live.


    "You can motherfucking grow" :LOL:

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