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Posts posted by bbgunn34

  1. 10 songs seems a bit...eh? Hopefully they're all good at least.


    I mean on the brightside a shorter tracklist probably means the album has been sifted out pretty well keeping only whats relevant, which is better for awards and stuff like that (Real Muse fans don't care about awards!!! I know.) But I'm betting we will have some cool B-Sides and shite, I don't think they only recorded 10 songs

  2. I honestly think it is just going to be released on youtube without any connections to any alternate media source... Why is that so hard to believe?


    They are here for the same reason you are. Seriously, why do people comment on the number of views? :p


    Update: Now there are only 210 people viewing!!! It's not as much as 232 but its still quite a bit!!!1:)

  3. I took a shot at adding drums and instrumentation


    It turned out to sound a bit like House of the Rising Sun tbh


    That's pretty gnarly man! I've also failed to notice that your avi is Tom taking the victory knee! I'm a die hard pats fan! Lol I hate telling people this after they've just won the super bowl though... If it helps my first name is Brady, which is why as a 5 year old I fell in love with them as they lost to my dads raiders in 2002

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