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Posts posted by AbsolutiioN

  1. Just gave those little snippets a re-listen, GUAF definitely sounds crazy pitch corrected to me but I'm wondering whether it's just the quality of the rip/the fact it's on vinyl (if I remember correctly vinyl's can sometimes distort pitch slightly because they play a little faster or something?)


    Wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. Can't remember what snippet, but one of the snippets (not GUAF) also sounded a little pitch shifted.

  2. You do realise that "too difficult" includes Shrinking Universe and Showbiz?


    Edit: Too slow.


    Hm, I do. They would indeed have to be altered/lowered so he can sing them normally. The rarities (or any song really) don't necessarily have to be played exactly like the studio version.

  3. Also, and I will probably sound very spoiled, I would really like to see them play different rarities. So maybe instead of Dead Star, Agitated, Fury, Hyper Music and Micro Cuts they could play City of Delusion, Shrinking Universe, Showbiz, Darkshines, Ruled by Secrecy, etc. Any song that is too difficult for him to sing can go too. I love me some Handler or Micro Cuts but it doesn't do anything to me if he's noticeably struggling.

  4. Tbh I stopped listening during Resistance :LOL: But he's done that for ages, hasn't he? He did have a nice little crack at the end of Madness but overall I'd say he's been consistent and stable.


    Also cracked during The Globalist (the greatest hunter will survive alone") but nothing bad I guess. I just find the difference between now and T2L era weird.

  5. I think the way he finished the last few bars of madness in Chicago he went into higher notes than on the album and prior performances. would need to double check on videos. I think I remember him finishing it a slightly different way than I was used to and thinking that it was impressive


    Just listened to it and can't hear anything special.

  6. He can belt, but he can't really do much else, which I think he showed last tour when he sang solo and his backing vocals were louder than usual. Those KoC performances with his mic turned up were awful.


    I agree. I also think that Matt's and Chris' vocals don't sound well together. His addition in Follow Me (Bb4? at the end) I do really like. That seems to be easier for him than for Matt. (even though his face says otherwise lol)



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