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Posts posted by SaltyConfetti

  1. I really enjoy what I am hearing from this track so far. It captures BH&R Muse really well but doesn't do so in a way that seems like they are trying to copy a previous sound. It's natural, unforced Muse.


    I'm sure people will and already do dislike this song because it's not very heavy or a 7 minute long "epic" prog rock song.To me though, this style of music is just as much "Muse" as some of their heavier stuff. It also seems like every time they try to copy that old Muse sound it ends up sounding like a parody of themselves or some Queen cover band.


    For a song that most likely serves as a break from guitars and overall heaviness, I'd say it will do its job very well.

  2. I made a studio interpretation of the song last night, if anyone's interested. It's probably not 100% accurate, but here it is.


    Wow! Great job in such a short time period. I really like the ambient synth you use in the verses.

  3. Hello!


    I suppose you all have talked about this already but I didn't watch nothing related to the 'Making of' until yesterday. Finally I could hear what was Matt playing on that Instagram video and I did a comparison for all those that didn't watch my first video.


    I think I interpreted what was Matt playing very well. The original is in a major key whilst I did it in a minor one that gives it a heavier sound (reminds me of 'United States of Eurasia') and that's the main difference. The rythm and sequence of notes and octaves it's almost perfect.


    Thank you very much to all that you liked and shared my first video. It reached 27.000 views! :)




    I like your's better. Much more dark and gritty.

  4. The studio version of this song is going to be massive. The song is already pretty good live but the main fault is the vocals are a bit weak/hard to understand, especially during the chorus. The studio version will most certainly have great vocals meaning this song could really come together well, much like SS and its studio vs. live performances.

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