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Status Updates posted by that-girl-over-there

  1. Holy crap! I'm so excited, I can' believe you got Agitated and Sunburn! Did you get close to the stage?

  2. :LOL: Did you see what the played in Japan? That was CRAZY.

    Maybe you'll get Yes Please or something :awesome:

  3. My concert's in 104 days :shocked:

    I'm actually so excited for you :facemelt:

    Do you think they'll play any rare songs?

  4. I loooovvveee being in moshpits, but if they play another show I'm definitely going to go and get a seat so I can take in the stage properly :yesey: When I went to see Coldplay I got a seat, and while I would've liked to be int he pit, it was amazing to get a full view of the stage :awesome:

  5. I got a GA ticket for the Sydney show on December 13th, and if they announce another night I'll go to that too! I think I might even try to meet them, but it'll be pretty hard if Kate is there :p

    You're so lucky seeing them twice in one year! This is gonna be my first time seeing them, it's gonna be so crazy :awesome:

    We've had bad weather here too, it's absolutely freezing :(

    But I went on holiday to my home town, Alice Springs in June, and the weather was sooooo nice so I got to have a good sunbake before I went home :LOL:

  6. Yeah! I'm so insanely excited it's not even funny :facemelt: It hasn't quite sunk in yet even and I still wake up every day going 'OMG MUSE' :LOL:

    I haven't talked to you in ages, how have you been?

  7. It's DEFINITELY worth the money to see Coldplay. A lot of people will assume and maybe try to convince you that their concerts are bad cause their music is kind of chilled out, but when I went I was on my feet the whole time and there was a huge amount of energy :awesome:

    You're so lucky to be seeing Muse! I really hope I can see them at the end of the year, or I will be so gutted :'( Oh, and I just read the news about Panic Station! How exciting!

  8. Yeah, it was pretty amazing. We saw them on a Saturday in November, which meant going all the way into Sydney, leaving at noon and getting back at 2am, then we went back into Sydney the next day and waited outside their hotel and met Jonny and Will, then I had to go back into Sydney AGAIN to meet up with one of my childhood friends who was in Sydney to see Coldplay. And then going to school the next day :LOL:

  9. Good luck getting them! People in America and Britain are so lucky, Muse always play there; the last time Muse played in Australia was at the end of 2010 I think :p I'm definitely going to try to meet them, and luckily I have identical twin friends who are expert celebrity stalkers pretty much and helped me meet Coldplay :awesome: I don't even know what I would do if I met them though; when I met Coldplay I only met the guitarist and drummer and I was shaking and hyperventilating :LOL:

  10. Oh my gosh I heard about the sound system blowing up! Hope it didn't detract from the experience too much! :p I'm definitely going to try to see them in December, I just really hope they don't come in January while I'm away. I already missed them last time they were here, I don't want it to happen again :'( I have a friend who I grew up with in Alice Springs, who now lives in Adelaide and she's like my Muse buddy, so we've pledged to see Muse together next time they come :LOL:

  11. I was wondering where you'd got to! I'm so excited for you! :facemelt:

    I think they're coming here in December, so fingers-crossed I'm not on away on holidays when they come (not that it would matter, I would literally just run away from my parents and fly to the nearest city they were playing in :ninja:)

    Have fun! Tell me all about it when you get back :happy:

  12. Awesome, I've never met anyone on here who lives near me :happy: I'm not sure what happened with April Fools Day - I think Tom Kirk tried to convince us the Panic Station video was being released, but it wasn't ... I dunno, it all happened on Twitter and I haven't been on it in ages :LOL:

  13. 'Tis :awesome:

    I love how dark some animes can be; I watch Fruits Basket last year and it was so cute, but at the end it was all creepy and dark and merrr :LOL:

  14. Dude, I just started watching Death Note a few days ago, and then I was on here and realised that your avatar looked familar :LOL:

  15. Oh cool ahahaha I was just wondering because these two Youtubers, Amazingphil and Danisnotonfire (they're hilarious by the way) have a plush toy of it, and I always wondered what it was, then someone made one in art out of clay like I said :LOL:


  16. Hey, this is really random, but what's your avatar of? Someone at my school made a clay figure of it in Art and I have no idea what it is :LOL:

  17. Hi! I remember seeing somewhere you were from Wollongong? I live in Thirroul :)

  18. Hey, I couldn't help but notice that you lived in Australia, and that judging by the fact that you saw them at Acer Arena you possibly live in Sydney? (Ok, yeah, I full on stalked you :$).

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