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Everything posted by HannahG123

  1. I can put a couple of pictures on tumblr for you if you'd like? :) they are just copied of other peoples musey stuff, nothing very good

  2. Meh I can copy stuff pretty well why?

  3. Yep! Cumberbatch <3333

  4. Like I said to Sam, he has hair like mine :chuckle:

  5. Well he has hair like mine :awesome:


    so did you! who is it?

  6. Tis cool, go catch up on sleep x

  7. Also have a look at this if you haven't already http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBu14q1dNP0 they have fit it together so well really gives the song more power. Makes me fill up with emotion

  8. Ah well, there are other chances and other girls. I guess I've never had the chance to be in that kind of situation yet in my life to be able to comment really


    No problem :happy: let me know your thoughts

  9. Well she does not sound very nice at all :mad:


    Theres the big one :happy:


    And here's the wee one
  10. aw well no wonder that put a downer on the whole thing! :( U 2 gd 4 tha bitch


    Well I am really looking forward to the first single now after the interview (have you listened to it yet?) where matt says survival is the biggest track (thank god) and the first single is quite 'mellow and stripped down for us and it builds' :yesey:

  11. I've never been to a festival so I can't relate but I'm sure when you look back on it you will just remember the highlights. What/who were you jealous of?


    Yeh it has grown on some people who initially didn't like it and now love it so wait and see :) Experiencing the release of a new single on the radio for the first time was an amazing feeling for me. I could not stop smiling the whole way through the song. For joy or humour I still haven't decided

  12. You are back! :) how was the festival? Thoughts on survival?

  13. Yeh I agree


    Here you go, enjoy!

  14. Because it is the best program! Underneath it says 'this is not a Hoover being a man!' infanct, I will find you the best bits of the show on YouTube just a minute...


    You mean I wasn't actually wanted :supersad:

  15. Oh it's a hoover :LOL: they are called 'Henry's I think it's a British thing :chuckle: that one is from the TV show Miranda


    Umm....not sure maybe Princess of Promise?

  16. What popcorn machine thing :ninja: no I got an invite..

  17. Yes I am whatever that means :awesome: how? What happened?

  18. You have missed so much Simon. I am going to try and predict whether you will like it or not. At first I thought you might hate it for all the cheese, but then I remembered you like IBTY so I dunno..maybe you will like it...

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