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Everything posted by HannahG123

  1. It's fine I'm on my iPod so it came through a good size ;)


    Ooh i got it twice double :awesome::chuckle: That's so cool! Nice hat :D id love to do a photo shoot, although im so unphotogenic

  2. Glad to know I'm not the first :chuckle: ok doke :awesome:

  3. Can I be really creepy and ask for a picture of you? Just realised I have no idea what you look like :eek:

  4. Well heard the cave and little lion man to death. And my boyfriend gave me the album to get into but everytime I tried to listen to it I cringed and turned it off Bleugh. Guess its just not my thing!
  5. Sometimes the ones who complain the most are or were the biggest fans. If you didn't really care about the band at some point you wouldn't care so much about things you don't like about them now. On the other hand there are idiots who waste their time mouthing off about bands they haven't listened to. It would be like me going onto a NME status about Mumford and sons and saying they should all die.
  6. My parents would love that :rolleyes: ooh where are you?

  7. Yeh, crazy stuff. It's like they are trying to reduce the boards main users watch out it will be us next :eek:


    Whats that?

  8. What the hell is a bazooka?

  9. I was thinking, when the tour comes around in October muse will have only done one show in over a year, probably one of the largest gaps in their career. Hopefully not only will this mean they go back into touring with more energy, enthusiasm and effort into their setlists and songs but also the fact that they will have to rehearse everything they may thing 'hey we might as well do some stuff We don't normally play' Wishful thinking
  10. It's ok :supersad:


    You mean like a human vs deadly animal war zone?

  11. Wait I just saw it :eek: ahhhhhhhh!!!!

  12. Took your time to reply :phu:


    Spoiler? :ninja:

  13. Haha it's ok. I'll put up my arty attempt at Matt just a sec

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