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About Jennyfer77

  • Birthday January 27

Personal Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Video Games <3
  • Occupation
    Play video games and Sleep :p
  • Gender
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  • Favourite Bands
    MUSE!!! Gorillaz, Eminem, RHCP, Melendi, Jimi Hendrix, QUEEN, M. Jackson, The All American Rejects, LaFouine, Soprano and Sexion d'Assaut (french music)
    so many.... espacially Rock
  • Favourite Films
  • Favourite TV Shows
    The Walking Dead South Park, American Dad, ...
  • Favourite Books
    Mangas... Comics
  • Muse Releases Owned
    All Albums, and HAARP tour (DVD),

Jennyfer77's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



  1. Hihi I just saw your message thank you !! :D:love:

  2. Awwwzy I miss you too honeyyy!! Yeah, it's such a shame what happened to it :( but i'm already trying to bring it back to life!! thought about a "Revive Muse Chat!"-group... luvya :kiss:

  3. Aww okok well I miss you girl!! And the Muse chat is dying lol every time I go online there's nobody lol

  4. Luv ya TOOO ;(;( No i only got skype you know Kisseeeess

  5. AWWWW I love you so much Lin!!! And I also miss you!!!! :'( I don't know what to do, I got a facebook and an msn messenger... do you have any

  6. hey awesome!!!! I miss mine in france lol!!! I just change my host family lol some things didn't work with the other one, but I feel better with the new one!!! I already have so much fun!! lol

    I get a south park blanket, a phone, 3 earings, 3 necklace, 2 t shirt, a jeans, a jacket, a gift card in my fav' shop, the DVD of Eminem's live in NYC, and Scarface DVD!!! <3 pretty good!! love santa even he scares me!! haha

  7. I'm quite good too, sweetiee thx :kiss:


    Naah, I'm already back, but thx though, my xmas was pretty cool! I'VE GOT A MICROPHONE NOW!! :awesome::dance:


    Luv you :kiss:

  8. yay!!! I'm pretty fine! what about you my love!! <3

    you still in China!!! I hope you had a wonderful xmas too!!!! <3


    Love you !!! :)

  9. Heyheyyy ma cutie!!!


    How are you? I wish you a wonderful Christmas eve and LOADS of pressys :awesome:


    Love ya, miss ya



  10. NO problem! don't worry! ;):kiss: I didn't know it was forbidden!! it sucks! lol anyway! yeah I miss you too!

    CYA I can't wait ;)

  11. OH GREAT! I FORGOT! Facebook is forbidden in China... they have their own, so that government can controll them absolutely.... do you love your guns? *yeah* GOD? *yeah* the GOVERNMENT? *fuck YEAH* i got lovesongs in my head killing us away....


    will check it out when imma back in germany kay, m'honey??



  12. nahawwwww i don't have facebook....but i'll try to look at you though :p


    i miss you all but i'll be back from china hehe around wednesday....so cya then :kiss:



  13. LIN I've got a facebook now, then you can see me, as I promised! ;p

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