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Everything posted by Will_

  1. Yes, so much. I think it would have fitted in well on the stadium tour too..
  2. I am really interested to try out Pro Tools after getting used to Logic now. I think X is far better than Cubase too..
  3. Before you do anything else I'd sort out the timing issues with quantization, so many of the parts are completely off and it's super distracting. What are you making this all on?
  4. Madness, PS, Follow Me, Survival, LS and Supremacy now and then will be the ones they keep, I'd have thought. Although Chris has said he has a bit of a love/hate relationship with singing lead, right? So maybe not LS..
  5. Just talking about these two http://board.muse.mu/showpost.php?p=10370463&postcount=16 http://board.muse.mu/showpost.php?p=10370503&postcount=25 Or you could just put links to the setlist.fm pages of the T2L and Unsustainable Tour
  6. Should put some of these stats in the OP Matthijs! I think overall it was a pretty awesome tour, what Ari said really. And I agree about Blackout, all I can remember of it from Emirates is being disappointed and laughing at Matt lying down amidst a crowd of 60,000 people..
  7. It's totally gonna happen now But tbh, even if it somehow did happen, I'd think it was a little unfair on those that didn't get a chance to see it because of location/venue size. One show isn't really enough for something like that, too many people/hardcores would still miss out
  8. So too much edge. Ok! And I could indeed try that fuzz, I shall There's a riff I could put at the end but I'm a little worried it'd suddenly become a huge Oceansize ripoff, I'm aware it sounds a lot like them and other bands already.. Oh no! Is there a youtube link of said song? Thanks man I certainly think it could end up pretty good but I feel like it needs something at the end, whether that be a riff or whatever
  9. [soundcloud]https://soundcloud.com/willdxnn/54jam-testmaster[/soundcloud] It's currently instrumental - vocals are planned though - and there could potentially be more added (mega riff at the end?), but comments/critique/whatever on this?
  10. This is awesome! How did the Wii controllers work? Oh really? Fair enough! I guess like with most things it just takes a while to get used to different interfaces/ways of working
  11. Ohhh, like Cubase LE. Or whatever it is now
  12. They had it at your college? That musta cost a ton.. edit: Says the guy that goes to a class with about 15-20 Macs in one room
  13. Pro Tools or Logic? I was talking about Cubase's popularity though
  14. Yeah, Ableton seems to be used more for electronic type stuff rather than tracking? I've gotten that impression anyway. A couple of my friends at college have it, on first glance I thought it looked seriously cluttered, but they seem to think it's far better than Logic in terms of workflow.. I'm surprised by that too! Never really got on that well with it, wasn't a huge fan of the VSTs that came with it either. Plugins were ok though I guess. I thought you used Logic Dom? Or is that just me remembering things from ages ago..
  15. Wanna chat about DAWs? I knew you guys would Maybe not the most exciting thread, but hey.. So what/why do you guys use? I had Cubase 5, but I've just changed to Logic as my college only uses that - means I can college work on Logic at home etc. I really dig Logic, it looks far better than Cubase 5, and I reckon I have a much faster workflow in it as well. Just makes more sense to me in terms of layout
  16. Ruled by Secrecy Fury Take a Bow Assassin Glorious Space Dementia Micro Cuts MK Ultra It is looking really unlikely they'll happen now though Sucks. Never believing a Bellamy tweet ever again edit: I forgot Showbiz!
  17. ... It's all of the original track with added bits over the top
  18. So where does a composer fit into that? It's hardly wrong, it's just not necessarily all of their job.. plus, he put it there to use it as a feature of songwriting that separates it from composing, not to say that that's all they do.
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