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Everything posted by Moonshoes

  1. Okay, here goes. First dream: I bought a video game where you went around in a spaceship with Matt as your captain, shooting giant mutant chickens and politicians. Captain Matt kept on yelling 'fire up the megaphones' throughout the game. It was a fun game. Second dream: I explained the meaning of life to Dom (who was, for some reason, attatched to a pole) while we were on a merry go round. It was something to do with roller coasters. Third dream: Chris and Amy Lee (from Evanescence) turned up on my doorstep. I invited them in, and we had a rave. Somehow, Chris managed to get stuck on the top of a chandelier. Me and Amy jumped up to join him, and caused the ceiling to fall down. Then we were all lying on the floor underneath a pile of rubble, giggling insanely.
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