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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Thank you, and you :happy: How was your day? :)

  2. Oh yeah!!! I saw both Batman films, I though very little of the first one and not much better for the second one but the best thing about the second one was Heath Ledgers performance :yesey: he was just brilliant :awesome: R.I.P Heath Ledger

  3. Cool, thanks :happy: I just love his personality and the way he acts and his attitude towards life and of course his looks :D:LOL: Hmm, not nice :noey: I would stay clear of people like that :( How was your day??? :)

  4. No :( Nobody loves me :'( So lonely... :( How about you??? :happy:

  5. I know!!!! :D He's so sweet :happy: they make a good couple :happy: I hope it turns out well for them :D How has your day been??? :happy:

  6. Valentines Day grrr :( I hate it :indiff: especially when who i like displays no interest in me whatsoever :'( Gah the lonliness!!!! :(:chuckle: How was your valentines day??? :) Anything happen with Liam???? :eyebrows:

  7. I'm a bit confused with it, can you just design them and then exit off the page so you don't have to order them or anything??? Johnny Depp films mostly :happy: I LOVE HIM!!!! :D:LOL: Why are you freaked out??? :(

  8. Everybody is telling me i should read it!!! Is it any good??? :) Actually more importantly, any romance??? :D

  9. Okay, will do :happy: I've never actually seen any of those actors in anything before :erm: are they any good?? :happy:

  10. :( I hate winter weather :( I'm good thanks, pretty bored though :erm: There needs to be a board drama :erm: You?? :happy:
  11. Yeah!!! Blackout would be nice too!!! And then Stockholm Syndrome for everybody to rock out to!!!:D

  12. Yeah :D They are just the best :awesome: I have to try that out now, that's where i'm heading :LOL: Not much really :erm: lifes been pretty boring :LOL: I have been watching non-stop films though!!! :LOL: How are you??? :happy:

  13. I have to see it :D What actors are in it??? :happy:

  14. Lucky :( We haven't had snow in ages and i don't think we will now that spring is on it's way :happy::LOL: That can't have been nice!!! :chuckle: Did you do anything on the snow day??? :)

  15. Hi, thanks for adding me :happy: How are you??? :)

  16. Yeah, my mum used to work with racehorses and there was stallion there but apparently he was lovely :happy: you could sit in his box and he would just sit beside you :) I never met him though :( i wasn't even born :chuckle: I've not seen Donnie Darko actually, I've heard it's a brilliant film though :happy:

  17. Yeah, she's lovely :happy:

    It's definately better that you haven't!!! :LOL: Your very lucky :happy:

    That's good, I hope you have a good time :happy: The suns out so I'm great too :LOL: What's the weather like where you are??? :)

  18. I think they should play lot's of songs, like throughout the wedding :happy: I'd really love sing for absolution though :happy:

  19. I come from the countryside so I'm used to fields and hardly any people and everything, cities just scrae me because it's all buildings and everything :( I don't like them :noey: how are you??? :)

  20. And amazing flashing glasses!!!!! And we can get Muse to perform as we walk down the aisle!!! :D:LOL:

  21. Cool, can i ask why are you wearing army stuff??? :chuckle: Yeah, that will be amazing!!! :D What dresses should we wear??? :LOL: Nothing else happened but I have no idea why he's bringing year eight up again, makes no sense :confused:

  22. No worries :happy: Now the news is that apparently he meant in year eight a group of my mates went up to him in cooking and asked him out for me but i think I would have known seeing as i sat on his table and never let him out of my sight!!!! :LOL: Connor's like that, he's a bit shy about all that emotion stuff and everything, i find it kinda cute, but he's really annoying me atm!!!! :LOL:

    It sounds like she's doing that compromise thing, from that interview with Graham Norton she seems lovely, but i don't blame Matt for not liking the whole counselling thing, if it doe's end messily some counselling isn't going to change things :erm: But still, I can definately see why she would be wary of getting married again, she's probably just being cautious :) Hey maybe it will be you and Liam thinking about marriage in a few years time :eyebrows: Anything interesting happen with him today??? :happy:

  23. Hi, how was your day??? :happy:

  24. About an hour away, not too far :happy: I've never actually been there before though :erm: cities scare me :eek::unsure:

  25. Neither do I, especially not after that experience :noey: Their beautiful to watch usually but working with them just seems really frightening :( He's very cute and has a smile to die for!!! :D Hmmm, that message has made me really hungry now :chuckle: i think i might sniff out some chocolate :happy: My day has been pretty boring tbh :erm: I hate thursdays :mad: so boring :( How about you??? :)

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