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Everything posted by victoriousstarlight

  1. Ok, i did not mean to post that D: i'm sorry to any one who reads the message bellow. Mwahaha i just put yo XD

  2. Yo molly, u not been here in ages??

  3. so do i :) its so great. i'm sad though coz the resistance is acctually the only CD i don't have. i'm got the whole album on my ipod, but i've just not got it on cd. then again, i am getting the 2 disk cd/dvd version for christmas

  4. i cannot spelll it right. i tried spelling it out with scrable letters once, i nerly got the whole word but i needed only one more c
  5. Uprising (upwising) - we will be victowious Resistance (wesisitance) - wove is ouw wesistance Map of the problematique (pwobematiquue) - i can't get it wight Time is running out (wunning) - ouw time is wunning out, yew can't push it undergwond, you can't stop it scweaming out if i think if any more i'll keep you posted
  6. i know. its took me a while to get into it, but now i love it. i cannot deside which part is the best. i'll juststick with all 3 :)

  7. Mine are uprising (its the best song ever created), starlight, The whole exogenisis symphony, Ruled by secrecy and Bliss

  8. i love that song. What sre your favourite ones ?

  9. why did it have to die a tradgic death in september this year. Why did it have to fall from the tower. Will it ever return to us once more. all these questions and no answers... glitterati we miss you
  10. i'm ok, just listening to Eternally Missed.

    What about you ?

  11. Uprising bears are seriously the best. i'm trying to make my own army of them, just so that i can be in uprising to. Upwising = best song ever
  12. is it reall alana ??


    i just thought you had the same avatar XD


    hehe yeah i know its you

  13. your it was ceiling cat but musers changed it

  14. hiya liv. t'is meghan. yay i found you on the forum aswell :D

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