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Status Updates posted by Whatsername

  1. Why are you so mean?! :'( *pokes harder*

  2. I was telling PB about how one day me and my friends were at a street corner and I randomly said that :chuckle: I think Emily told me it should be my undertitle for July....

  3. Life's been good. Busy with work and such, but good :)


    I told you I was going to do it :p

  4. Patience young grasshopper....

  5. Just give it a little time I suppose :)

  6. I have about five or six songs that are my favorites at different times. I'm so indecisive!

  7. Really? Interesting choice. I tend to skip that song.

  8. :yesey: I think you'll be a great Muser
  9. Have you heard of this band called Muse? They're pretty good. You should listen to their albums Origin of Symmetry and Absolution :D

  10. I wasn't trying to tease, I was making fun of Jared :LOL:

  11. :stongue: Why must you tempt me so?
  12. Life is pretty good today. It has it's ups and downs. Ups: I leave for Florida tomorrow and it's been a month since me and Nicky started dating :D Down: Once I leave tomorrow me and him won't he able to speak for three weeks since he leaves for Poland next Friday before I come back :supersad:

  13. HEY HEY HEY!!!! :D How ya' doing?

  14. I just noticed the notification now :p


    Hello :D

  15. :LOL: Yeah maybe. I took that picture a few weeks ago....
  16. Your page looks so empty with barely any visitor messages :( Here's one from me! :awesome:

  17. :chuckle: Tell her Billie Joe is making you laugh!
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