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Ziggy Valentine

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Posts posted by Ziggy Valentine

  1. Today in my car that was Ruled by Secrecy, I've received all the strength of the end of the song like an arrow straight to my heart, so powerful!

    And yesterday I was blown away by Stockolm Syndrom playing live at the last Seattle gig, I've found it so much better than the studio version!


    Did you think Ruled By Secrecy was boring or something? :chuckle:


    Stockholm Syndrome live is great...:happy:

  2. I had a dream about Matt once.

    I was sitting somewhere on a solid rectangular box that served as a kind of modern bench. I was holding my grandfather's acoustic guitar, which was made for a grown man, and not a teenage girl with short arms, so it was very big and kind of awkward. I was trying to strum out something... couldn't quite place what, when suddenly I noticed that Matt was sitting beside me, out of the blue, with an acoustic guitar of his own. He said, "So, you play the guitar?" And I said, "No not really, but I play the violin and harp." Matt was like "WOW!!" And he looked genuinely impressed like that was fantastic or something. He then said, "Oh, I think I know what you're trying to do." And he played what I was trying to play, which I figured out was the opening chords of Nevershoutnever's "Did It Hurt?", which was ironic seeing as Matt sort of "fell from heaven"(And my inability to play the guitar seemed to endear me to him, which was sweet)... Anyway, time elapsed and he managed to teach me the whole song. He then stood up and said, "Well I have to go now." I said, "I'll miss you!" and this tear rolled down my cheek. Matt chuckled and wrapped an arm around me and gave me a hug, then a kiss on the forehead. I tried to kiss him back, but even though I'm only 4 inches shorter than Matt in real life, in the dream I could only reach his jaw. He chuckled again and faded away into nothingness.

    It was a wonderful dream.:happy:

    Aw! :happy:

    Omg, I was reading it last night and I was so freaked out by that, lol. I just imagined a situation like that and I swear I could hear Matt's insane laugh behind my door the entire night, :facepalm: Creepy as hell... :D

    Haha! :LOL: I love his laugh but in a situation like that, it would be very scary. :chuckle:

  3. I just discovered that Endlessly is an awesome track :) and I also discovered Hate This and I'll Love You. yeah i'm a bit late :p

    I have loved Endlessly ever since I first listened to Absolution. :D Amazing song...

    Sunburn,Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist, and Hyper Music

    Thoughts of a Dying Atheist is a great song. So is Hyper Music.

    Uno. To think I used to skip it. It's so groovy.

    I think Uno was the first song I heard off of Showbiz before I bought it.

  4. Last night's dream was kind of funny and weird. Matt, Chris, Dom and Morgan were

    climbing onto a wall (I have no idea why) and then all of a sudden some guy pulled down

    Matt's pants and his bare ass got exposed. :LOL:


    BAHAHAHA!!! :LOL: Fantastic! :chuckle:


    Here is a recent dream I had about Muse:

    I dreamed that I was backstage at a Muse concert. They were done playing and came backstage and I wasn't acting crazy at all that I was about to meet Muse (in real life, they probably would find me annoying because I would probably be crying or something stupid like that. :stunned: ) They walked up to me and Matt asked, "Do you like my trousers?" and I looked at his trousers and he was wearing those bright blue ones he wears sometimes. I said, "Yeah, they're very blue." He smiled, then hugged me, and said, "Yay! You like my trousers." ??? :LOL: Then some how we all ended up in a hotel hallway. Dom was walking ahead of me, Chris was behind me, and Matt was behind Chris. Dom walked into a room, I followed, Chris came in next and shut the door and locked it. I turned around and Chris was smiling and I could hear Matt's insane laugh outside. :eek: Then I woke up.


    I didn't think anything of it until I told my cousin Kyle about it and he said, "Zig, that sounds a bit creepy..." and now I'm creeped out by it a bit. :LOL:

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