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About jackparker

  • Birthday 07/24/1996

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    I'm 21, I write reviews and take pictures.

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    Music. Football. Reviews.
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  1. Ok, I'll listen to a few songs :)

    Oh I know which one that is! Did it have a death bat on the front of it? If it did then the albums just called Avenged Sevenfold ;)





    I've never tried Thai food actually :$ I should try some :yesey:

    Blood Brothers is actually really good! Basically this woman(Mrs Jonstone) has lots of kids, she's threatened that they'll get taken away if she doesn't pay some money, then she finds out she's expecting twins. So her friend (Mrs Lyons) offers to take one of her twins when they've been born. She agrees because she'll still get to see the baby. The baby that Mrs Lyons takes is called Mickey. Mrs Jonstones baby is called Edward. When Mickey and Edward are 7 they meet eachother and disobey they look the same, are born on the same day etc, so they decide to become best friends and blood brothers. After that Mickey and Edward don't see eachother for years. They meet again when they're 18/19. They both fall in love with a girl called Linda. Eventually the brothers and Linda end up in court for doing something (can't remember what) and the brothers both shoot eachother. The end!

    Did you get any of that? :chuckle:


    We have so many because we've already started our GCSE's. These are all GCSE tests ;) thanks :)


    Tell me if I appear :D



    Have you thought of a random question yet? :chuckle:


    Love you!


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