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Everything posted by MusingVash

  1. This - I barely log on to here at all nowadays. And so I havent really for the past couple of months / few years. I remember back with the release of 2nd Law there was a lot of negativity here regarding Muse work, lots of harsh criticism and people were not able to take in the opinion of people who like how Muse are progressing and steadily keep "evolving" (which is up to debate of course). So since there is barely newer news here than on reddit - why bother - so I figured. B/c of the above reasons. EDIT: On topic: Some super cool synthy shit going on with Muse. Its not what I hoped for but I am digging it. But I am also a sucker for anything that has relation to 80s synth vibes. And I love their theme overall of this album again. Cant wait!
  2. Yea mate, Cologne though. Moved recently. Would have offered to take 2 more people as well - spontaneous trip with my brother an also diehard Muse fan. FeelsBadMan! Feeling ya :/
  3. Holy fuck I am so fucking done with this shit. How is longterm members cant fucking get to so shiet venues. Did everything required and as someone above me stated got booted just cuz. Fucking shitpage that cant deal with 6k people trying to get tickets. God Im pissed, its only 5 hours away as well
  4. Honestly, even though the chorus reminds me of a recent pop song by some probably famous other artist, I really dig it. Its totally WTF! in your face, but for some reason it synchs so well. Same goes for the outro. I have to admit I had to give the album at least seven full spins to finally be at peace with those two songs.
  5. Meh. Post war da, DHL glaube ich noch nicht. Erwarte nichts besonderes, wette mit .mu kommt es jetzt erst Montag. Und von wegen digital release wird wohl weltweit zum Zeitpunkt von UK geschaltet, so sieht es zumindest aus.
  6. Ich weiß halt nicht ob der Digital Download wirklich heute schon vorhanden sein sollte, kann mir gut vorstellen dasss er erst weltweit am Montag geschaltet wird... Naja. Hattest du auch via Muse.mu bestellt ? Oder woher weißt du dass dein DHLPäkchen schon unterwegs ist? Mal abwarten, sollte sonst ja ggn 12 da sein
  7. Hat jemand hier noch Erinnerung an den letzten Release? Dort war doch das Releasedatum in Deutschland auch vorgezogen am Freitag soweit ich mich (dunkel) erinner, oder? Ich hab wie immer via .mu bestellt und jetzt weiß ich gar nicht mehr ob ich letztes Release das Album schon am Freitag bekommen habe oder so wie alle anderen auch erst am Montag wegen .mu Bestellung. Jemand noch Erinnerungen daran? Würde mich ziemlich fett ärgern wenn ich das Ding jetzt nicht morgen in der Hand habe. Habe auch natürlich wie immer bei .mu Bestellungen keine Nachverfolgungsnummer bekommen Damn..
  8. defector is great. its on my nonstop listen atm which is the past 20 minutes.... This album def tops TR and T2L easily, however I love all of Muse work so I cant even order albums.... BTW: What is all this clipping business? Am I deaf?
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