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Miss Lucy

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Status Updates posted by Miss Lucy

  1. Hi :) How was your vacation? Glad to hear that the weather was nicer!

    Sounds good with your interest in film. I'm a little bit curious about it too, but mostly about the screen writing-thing, probably because I'm into writing already.

    Ha ha, I've actually had like three months of vacation, but it still doesn't feel like quite enough ...

  2. Hello again :D How is your vacation? (Or was, if you don't get to read this before you get home!)

    All your A levels sound exciting - and very creative too :) So I figure you're interested in films and that kind of thing, since you're doing both film studies and photography?

    My summer break is almost over now, 1 week left and unfortunately I have to work a lot this week ... but I hope it'll be a soft start in uni. I like the summer much more - I just want to write and relax and have lots of time :)

  3. Hello, I'm really fine, thanks - how about you? Leaving tomorrow, right? I hope you'll have a really nice trip!:happy:

    That's so cool that you googled my book! And you even managed to read a bit of my blog, I hope it made some sense in Google Translator :)

    I think the first time I decided to try to write a novel was when I was about 16 or 17. I'm pretty sure it wasn't very good :D But I've been attending some courses on writing, and I have a few good friends who really like to write as well, so that's probably a good way to improve one's writing.

    What kind of college will you go to by the way? I redckon you have to make some choices about subjects and such?

  4. Aww, thanks :) It's a really amazing feeling that I'm getting my stuff published now, even though I'm not that old I've been trying for quite a few years ...

    Another vacation - sounds very nice :) I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll get some sunshine then! It's actually quite okay here today, not very warm, but at least it's not raining! It rained like five times yesterday.

    So, only about two weeks until your Muse show then :happy: Are you excited?

  5. Hello :D Are you back from your holiday? And did the weather improve? :) Summer can be tricky in here too, some years it's really good and other years it's raining all the time. This year it's been quite good. Well, until this week at least. Now it's raining ...

    Do you have to pay to go to the university? It's free in Denmark. I feel lucky.

    My books are young-adult fiction - is that what it's called in English? They're targeted at young people between 13 and 18 or something like that. My first book is called "Hovedet i skyerne" (Head in the Clouds) and it's about gay love between two teenage boys :) My two other books are about a young guy who wants to be a journalist, but then suddenly he disappears, and his friends start looking for him. Kind of a mystery story :)

  6. Sorry to hear about the bad weather, I really hope it gets better soon :)

    I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do when I finish. Most of all I really want to be a writer - actually I've written 3 books already :D Which is fantastic, but the problem is that it's hard to make a living being only a writer, especially here in Denmark, it's hard to sell enough books when there are only 5.5 million Danes. So it would probably be very good to do some freelance journalism for example, I think that's my plan :)

    In Denmark it's just 9 or 10 years of school, then 3 years in the gymnasium (corresponds to college I think), which is also optional, and then there's university after that. Do you know if you want to go to university? Or is it too early to ask that? :)

  7. Hey :) I'm fine, thanks! A bit tired, I just got home from work, I work at a café. How are you? :)

    You have a good taste in music :D Mr. Brightside is a really great song! Probably the song that got me into The Killers. I generally prefer their first two records, I bought Day and Age too and I listened to it a few times, but I just don't really find it quite as good as the other two ... plus maybe too little rock for my taste.

    I'm studying for a master in Journalism and Social Science. I just got my bachelor's degree this winter, but I'm studying part time right now, so it may take a few years before I get my master :) What about you and college, where will you go to college? And just how does college work in Great Britain, how many years is it?

  8. Aww, that's understandable with Wembley. I would like to go too, especially after they cancelled the Stockholm gig, but it would just be too expensive for me to go there. I'm a student after all and I don't have a lot of money. And apart from that, I can't help feeling that shows like Wembley are a little bit too big, I'm sure it'll be great, but if you get bad seats or something I guess you can hardly see the stage at all...

    Ha ha, I was just about to ask you about music as well :D I listen to a lot of stuff, but apart from Muse some of my favourites are Placebo and Arcade Fire. I also like Kings of Leon, The Libertines, Babyshambles, Mew, The Killers, Interpol, Kashmir (a Danish band) and older stuff like Queen, Nirvana and Jeff Buckley. I just discovered Kasabian at Roskilde Festival this year, they are nice :) And right now I also listen to a Danish band that you've probably never heard of, they're called The Floor Is Made Of Lava. I went to a free show with them a few days ago. You can listen here if you're curious:

  9. That sounds nice! Are you good at surfing? I've never tried it. I just went on a mini-trip to Stockholm for three days, but that's it then, I can't really afford to travel more this summer, but it's okay, it's nice to be at home and hang out with friends as well :)

    I live in Copenhagen, central Copenhagen more or less. I wish I'd been a Muse fan in 2003, when they played in Vega, which is a small venue located something like two minutes walk from where I live. But I'll just be really happy if they come back to Scandinavia, preferably Copenhagen, some time this winter or spring if they aren't already recording a new album :) What about Wembley, you can't go?

  10. It was lovely, I got to swim in the sea for the first time this year :) What about you, are you going on vacation or anything this summer?

    Yes, it was really a shame about Stockholm. No re-scheduling so far, but if they make one, I'll see if I can afford to go, even though I would of course prefer a gig in Copenhagen, not Stockholm. Where do you live? Near Manchester?

    And yes, I read about the new album as well :) They better hurry, I'm already really excited! I wonder which direction it will take. I read somewhere that Matt talked about doing something a little more stripped down, and I hope that means in a Origin of Symmetry-way, that would make me very happy!

  11. Hi there :D And sorry for my slow answer, I just went to the beach and stayed there in a rented house for a few days with my boyfriend and his family :) Roskilde was really good, apart from the setlist, which was a little bit boring. I would really have loved to hear either Bliss or Citizen Erased - I love those two songs! But they didn't play any of them. I had great fun anyway though. And you're seeing them in September for the first time - you're really lucky! I was actually going to attend the stadium gig in Stockholm next week too, but it was cancelled :( So no more Muse shows for me this year, I'm afraid ...

  12. I'm fine, thanks :D How are you?

    I liked The Resistance much better than Black Holes & Revelations too, so that's why I decided that I had to go to the show. It was in Parken, Copenhagen last fall. And then I saw them at Roskilde Festival last week :) Have you been to any shows yet? I really think they're SO great live.

  13. Dom seems like such a nice guy. I love how he always saves the situation in interviews and on stage in a calm and polite way :D I've liked them for quite a while, actually - I think I bought Absolution in 2004, and I immediately liked it. But somehow I never managed to see them live until last year, and I was totally blown away and started lurking at this forum :) You?

  14. Lottie is a fine name too :) And dalmatians are great dogs. Favourite member - I'd have to say Matt, cause he seems like a very special and gifted person. But they're all great :D What about you?

  15. Well, yeah, that's the funny thing, because my dog is usually crazy too. But I made sure I had some goodies when I wanted to take the picture, and suddenly she was totally obedient :D She's a Jack Russell Terrier, what about your dog? Her name is Fie. Like the last part of the name Sophie. Sounds a lot better in Danish, probably. And btw, thanks a lot for the friends request :)

  16. Aww, thanks a lot :D I simply painted the shadows and the sand on a large piece of paper, and then I made my dog sit there and took a photo. I can't believe she actually did it!

  17. Hi! And aww, thanks :) I made it for a Roskilde Festival competition earlier this year, didn't win though. I had to bribe my dog with small bits of bacon to make her sit there :D

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