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Miss Lucy

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Status Updates posted by Miss Lucy

  1. Hey, I hope it's okay that I befriend you? :D You seem like a nice person ... I know that from lurking in the PMT :p

  2. Yeah, I'm fine, thank you :happy: It's just my stupid assignment, I'm really trying to get it done so I can hopefully turn it in very soon, I'm sick and tired of it!

    I understand that ... It's quite expensive in Copenhagen too, I've just been really lucky with my appartment, it's not too expensive at all. So maybe you'll get lucky too. And otherwise it's always a good idea to find someone to live with, that's probably cheaper and funnier than living on your own

    It's exactly an army jacket I just bought :) Second hand. Green-grey-ish colour. It's really nice and warm, I can recommend it :D

    How are you doing? With school and everything?

  3. Hey :happy: And sorry about my slow answer ... I'm a bit confused these days :p

    I really understand you about your town, it must be hard to be a young person living there. I live pretty much in the centre of Copenhagen now, that's the biggest city in Denmark with a little more that 1 million inhabitants. That's really nice, but when I was younger I used to live in the suburbs, and I found that annoying too. Are you thinking about moving to a bigger place when you get older?

    Did you get a new jacket? I'm really happy about mine right now, especially since it's getting colder and it's nice and warm :)

  4. That sounds like fun :happy: Especially the hypnosis thing, who did they hypnotise? :ohmy:

    Did you go and see the movie then? And is it a small town you live in by the way?

    I'm not really doing a lot this weekend, and that's actually really nice, I need to relax a bit, next week's going to be busy too. But I went for a walk with my boyfriend today, and I found a really nice new jacket. Well, it's second hand, so it's actually not new :LOL: But it's really nice and warm, looking forward to wearing it this winter. What about your weekend, any plans? :)

  5. Hey :) How was your psychology trip then? And what was it all about? :happy:

    I'm just really busy these days, it's my assignment and a thousand other little things ... It's like there's constantly something I need to remember. But I'm okay :LOL: Just a little bit confused!

    Yeah, it's kind of expensive to go to the cinema here as well, and it's sad, because I like it and I should really do it more often ...

    There are so many films I need to catch up on. But I'll certainly put Harry Potter on my list :happy:

  6. It was the best chocolate cake ever ... now I'm probably just making you even more hungry :LOL:

    And I obviously drank too much wine, cause I had a head ache all Saturday. But it was a really fun evening, so it's okay :happy:

    What a shame! But Harry Potter and a meal, that sounds like a good plan :happy: Must admit though that I don't think I've seen any of the Harry Potter films ... Have you seen all of them?

  7. Oh, thank you :) I'm sure he'll appreciate that :happy:

    The party is tonight, so we're kind of busy preparing it right now. I made him a giant chocolate cake :D

    You have to be 18 to drink in bars I guess? It's the same here. But I don't think you have to be more than 16 to buy beer and stuff in the supermarkets. I don't really remember :LOL:

    Have a very nice weekend, I really hope you'll have fun at your friend's birthday :happy:

  8. I'm fine, thanks :happy: My assignment is going allright, I'm feeling pretty sure that it will work out too. I'm happy to hear that you had a nice time and that it was good to get back to college and meet everyone again :)

    I did get a little bit drunk :) But unfortunately she had to leave early, because both her boyfriend and her little daughter were a bit sick ... so we didn't get as many cocktails as we'd planned. But we talked about doing it again later this month. And on Friday it's my boyfriend's birthday and we're having a birthday party, so I guess I'll get another chance to get drunk then :LOL: How about you? Any party plans? :D

  9. Hey, how are you? :)

    My assignment is about a tv programme ... or more about how people react to a tv programme and how their reactions can be interpreted with some theory. Kind of hard to explain in a brief way :LOL: But it seems I've already found a couple of participants for my focus group, so I hope it will all work out.

    I had fun with my friend last night :D And I've had a nice weekend with time to relax. Are you going back to school tomorrow then?

  10. Yeah, I could kind of use a break :( But I'm just going to take one then and try to get some time off for the next few days :) Uni is going allright, I guess, I'm working on my big assignment and trying to get in contact with some people to be able to make a focus group as a part of my assignment. It's a little bit hard. But I hope it'll work out eventually!

    Did you finish your essay then? ;)

    This Saturday I'm going out with one of my friend who's had a baby :eek: She says she really needs a drink now :LOL: So we're going out to get some cocktails, it'll be good fun!

  11. Sounds like you had a fun night :happy: Ah, half term, sounds great, I don't really have one :( But my boyfriend had a vacation from his school last week, so I guess it's just my uni that thinks it's not necessary ...

    But I'm doing great apart from that, I think I'll have some spare time in the next few days, so I'll probably write a bit. Always makes me happy :) How about you, how are you doing?

    The new book is about a 14 year old girl who doesn't know who her dad is and who gets so upset with her mother that she decides she'll try to find him. But it's also about her falling in love with her best friend and not really knowing how to deal with it or how to talk to him about it. And it's about a few other things too :LOL:

    So what else are you doing in your vacation? :happy:

  12. Sounds like a nice trip - and a really nice play :D Even though it must have been a sad one too!

    I have a half-brother and a half-sister, but they're a lot older than me. It must be fun to have a younger brother, at least so you can borrow his guitar :LOL:

    I'm not really writing a lot right now, too busy with uni :( But I hope I'll be able to find some time soon. And I'm still really excited about the book I got accepted about a month ago, we're trying to find out what the front page should look like right now :happy:

    How are you doing? How's school - busy?

  13. Hey :) Are you back from London yet? How was it?

    My guitar is acoustic ... and really, really old. My dad gave it to me once, so I didn't even buy it, but I've grown fond of it :happy: That's nice that you can borrow your brother's guitar, but of course it would be even better to get your own! How old is your brother?

    I'm so tired now, just got home from work about an hour ago, and I have to get up early tomorrow and go to work again :( But I guess it's okay, I'll be rich :LOL: Or something like that.

  14. What kind of guitar is it? Acoustic? That's more or less all I know about guitars :LOL: Electric or acoustic. And Western or Spanish! Did you buy a new one then?

    This year I've made a new year's resolution to play every day, even if it's only five minutes. But it really works, I'm getting better. Slowly at least :D

    Stupid PDT :( I kind of don't wanna start posting, I'm afraid it will take up all my time and keep me away from writing :LOL: But I like lurking ...

    I'm not doing much this week, working quite a lot and then doing some homework. A bit boring! I really hope you'll have a nice trip, I'm sure you will! I want to go to London too!

  15. Aww, what a shame about the guitar! So you play guitar? Are you good? I play a little bit too, I taught myself and I don't think I'm very good :LOL: But it doesn't matter, it's nice to play a bit once in a while.

    Just had to google Ben Barnes, didn't know him at all, but I understand why you like him :) Dark hair and pale skin, that's totally my type of guy ... that's also why I lurk a little bit in the PMT from time to time :$

    I've been to London once. But I'd like to go again. It's a few years ago, but I remember it as a really cool city. When are you leaving? Anyway, have fun!

  16. Hello again :happy: How are you doing?

    Biffy were really good yesterday! I was in front row :) It was so easy, I got there at half past seven and they were supposed to start at eight, but anyway I still easily managed to get to the front, and I was like less than two meters from the stage. Their singer seemed a bit ill, drinking hot tea from a cup and blowing his nose. He was quite hoarse too and apologized about that, but in spite of that it was still a very good show, and I'm just happy that they managed to carry it through! I just saw that they had to cancel their Swedish show today.

    London sounds so nice :happy: Which play are you going to see?

  17. Oh, I'm fine too, thanks A bit busy with my homework these days, but it's okay, good to get it done ... I've got a Biffy Clyro show coming up! Tomorrow evening! And two of my friends just won tickets, well, I paid for mine :LOL: But it's still really nice that they're coming along!

    How about you? :happy:

    (I posted this on my own wall again :LOL: Never gonna learn ...)

  18. Hey, how are you doing? :)

    I hope I will do more presentations, cause it's fun. I think I'm going to get in contact with some libraries and stuff and see if they want to invite me to come :)

    I used to learn german before I learnt french. So I've forgotten even more german I think :LOL:

    Sounds nice with the birthday! Me and my boyfriend visited some friends, they have two very cute cats. So we very basically just playing with the cats and getting a little bit drunk :LOL:

  19. Aaaand your magazine is on its way :D Enjoy!

  20. My presentation went well, thank you! People were very interested in my book, and I actually had to sign some books, it was so weird, but also a good experience :)

    Yeah, it's nice to work in a café, at least when it's not busy and when the customers are nice. This Friday there was a guy from France, and since I speak a little bit French I spoke French to him, that was fun and he seemed very impressed with my French although I wasn't :LOL:

    How was your weekend? :happy:

  21. Hi again :) Web bank was slow - probably because of the week end - but now I finally see your money :) So I'll throw your magazine in the mail within an hour, and you'll probably get it tomorrow!

  22. Hey, that's alright :) No, I didn't know about your internet connection problems! But well, shit happens, and it sounds great that you just transferred the money. Going to check my web bank later! And I promise I'll send you your magazine as soon as I see that you transferred the money :)

  23. Dear Mimmi, you are not backing out on me, are you? I certainly hope not. Remember I have this magazine here that I bought for you - because you asked me to, and because I wanted to be helpful. I don't see any money transfer on my web bank, and I haven't heard from you. Please send me the money, and I'll send you your magazine. Okay? :)

  24. Hey, did you get my private messages? Just want to be sure I'm doing it right :LOL:

  25. That sounds like a nice party :happy: But a little bit cold, yeah ...

    My party was okay, nothing big really, but my friend had cooked lots of nice food and bought some champagne :D

    I work in a café, so I'm making sandwiches and coffee and that kind of things. It's not really exciting, but sometimes it's okay, at least when we're not too busy. And I'm having fun with my coworkers :) That's a good thing. I hope you find a job then, that's a shame that they won't hire you, so you can get some experience!

    I'm going to make a presentation about my first book tonight, I'm a little excited ...

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