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Posts posted by Larzipan

  1. I had a horrible Muse dream last night... we were at a gig, barrier, and there was a huge explosion from under the stage.... 'The Man' had decided that Muse were too popular and were inciting 'The Teddy Bears' to rise up (familiar anyone?). Loads of people were killed including the band and there was a RIP thread on the forum with just loads of usernames of the people who had been killed.


    Quite possible the worst dream I have ever had, not great 2 days before a gig either!





    ....:stunned: I would have cried if I had that dream.

  2. I had this dream last night:


    I was on the computer when the mail came so I got excited cause I was expecting something I guess. So I went over to get it and there was some kind of official Muse magazine or something and that issue came with a Matt plushie! XD

    So I was all Yay, plushie! but then I opened it up and I was like Oh. because the plushie was shirtless and the pants were really low and do you know what was sticking out from the top of the pants?






    So I was like OHSHITOHSHIT I CANT LET MY MOM SEE THIS THING so I grabbed it and ran into my room and started looking for some way to fix it. I ended up deciding to pull the pants up and stuff it inside the pants but then there was this giant bulge so I took it back out and found a little shirt that I guess had been for a doll. I was like Okay, itll look weird, but Matt dresses weird already anyway! I can add some stuff to it and as long as they dont take it off itll be okay

    So then I ran into some kind of closet/basement place that doesnt actually exist in our house and I found scissors and tape but then I heard my dad coming and I was like OHSHIT but then I woke up cause my cat was hungry.


    Oh... My... God. :eek:

  3. I had been invited to Matt's house by himself to complete a questionnaire and answer his questions,

    He was quite serious but occasionally grinned and laughed. Oh so sexy. :stunned:

    Oooh, what were the questions??

  4. Ok, so I had my first pwoper Muse dream last night, so you think I'd be all excited and whatnot... But it was actually kind of sad. In the dream, I attended Matt's mum's wake (she's still alive in actuality, right? :wtf:) and everything was all marble and glass and the architecture was awesome... but it was terribly depressing. I was going through the procession murmuring, "I'm sorry for your loss" to all the family members, and when I got to Matt his eyes were so blue and swimming with tears, and he looked as young as he was in the Unintended video and it was all so sad! Later at the banquet thing, there was an empty seat next to Matt and my parents were urging me to take it, but I was like, "No, I can't! It would be awfully rude if I got all fangirly right after his mum died!" and that was basically it. Rather sad and confusing. :noey:

  5. i had a dream last night:)

    in my dream there was no image-just strange sounds. and after these strange sounds turned out "map of your head". after matt sang the chorus, dom started to sing :D to tell the truth i couldnt see who was singing but i was sure he was dom because of accent:facepalm: i cannot remember what he said but i can say that his voice was really soft and relaxing as if he was singing a lullaby like a mother:D

    i wish it had been real and dom had sung me a lullaby:) actually i have had some sleep problems for a week because of my exams i think it is the reason why i had such a strange dream( i mean no image just sounds):D

    That's really funny... Because it's been proven that Dom can't sing! :facepalm:

  6. A couple nights ago my mom had yet another Muse dream. :indiff: It's always her and not me... Gosh.


    Anyway. My mom, her old roomate that she hasn't talked to in many years, and I were at some sort of Muse concert. She tried to get a better seat, and ended up walking right by the backstage entrance right when Matt was coming out for some reason. She was like, "Excuse me, can I shake your hand?" very polite and not too rabid. So Matt shook her hand (in the intimate two-handed way :awesome:) and then she said, "My daughter loves you."


    And that was it.

  7. Finally I have had my first Muse dream! It was kind of a letdown though... Oh well...


    I was at some concert of theirs, but they decided to turn it into a Renaissance fair. Everyone was dressed in costume, including my mom, my Muse-hating friend Stephen, and I. What I remember is that I was wearing I white velvet dress with weird, intertwining squiggly pattern-y things. It was a cool dress. Anyway, I was pushing my way to the front when the curtains of the stage parted. They were shrouded in shadows, and I really wanted to see their costumes (especially Matt's), but then the dream switched. T_T


    All the while, this was supposed to be their performance at TD Garden on March 6th. :/

  8. This dream I had last night was rather odd...yet funny at the same time :LOL:. It didn't include just Muse, it also included my best friend from Florida and somehow Kingdom Hearts mixed up with this. Warning: Prepare for long dream ahead xD


    So there was this competition in the town I was living in, which btw was not in my real town it was in Twilight Town from Kingdom Hearts xD, so whichever team of 2 wins a scavenger hunt wins 2 Muse tickets to see them right in this town! I was hyped up and the dream sorta starts off with me on the phone with my best friend and getting ready for the scavenger hunt at the same time. She wished me luck and I promised her I'd give her the 2nd ticket. So I went to where the scavenger hunt was and turns out you had to already have had a partner from the start -_- so obviously i was freaking out because i didn't have one! The judge person guy told me to go over there to this one guy who didn't have a partner. For some reason it was Dom xD, which is weird though since I mostly dream of Matt. So we instantly became good friends and he already promised me that he'll get me tickets to matter what :awesome:. So once we were going on the scavanger hunt, he kept putting his arm around me and I'm just like "wtf man, do you want to go out or something!?". Anyways we found some of the stuff but then suddenly random heartless popped out! (If you ever played Kingdom Hearts, you know what I mean xD) OH NOES! So no one could defeat them, but somehow I had the keyblade and i destroyed them. I automatically got tickets! :D. Dom also gave me the 2 he promised so I had 4. I took my best friend with me and 2 random kids who came me 50 dollars each for them. The dream ended though, so I still never got to see Muse live even in my dream world :(


    Kingdom Hearts! Oh God, that is great! Imagine if Sora, Donald, and Goofy were replaced with Matt, Chris, and Dom. I would kill for that game. And Kairi would be Gaia, because in my opinion they're both so obnoxious... But then who would Roxas and the other Organization XIII be? Hmmm.... And what about Namine....

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