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Everything posted by Tofu

  1. Found a better pic of the article, typed it up. Like everyone else said, nothing new. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0j2f50Pff1qbfneyo1_500.jpg
  2. LOL!!!!!! Oh the images I just got. Oh our adorkable little Matt. <3 I've also heard him described as a goober, and I think that's pretty accurate, too. chinbeard.
  3. I'm getting excited for the new album all over again. Also, since it's that time of the year: http://www.nme.com/awardsvote/offset/16 y'know, if Chris got nominated, I wouldn't have minded seeing Dom win, but since he didn't, I still voted for Matt. /illogical
  4. Ouch! $30 is full price iirc! Hell, I got Assassin's Creed Revelations BRAND SPANKIN' NEW for less than that (and it's original price was $60 or something crazy)


    but yeah, have fun! :D

  5. If it helps, Spirit Tracks is actually quite good from what I remember. A lot of people hate on the pan flute you use in the game, but I don't think it's really that bad.

  6. lol yes, there's a reason Phantom Hourglass is known as one of the worst Zeldas among the fanbase. (Critically well received though, for some reason…)

  7. saw this: http://gallery.ibelongtomuse.net/albums/userpics/10001/aflo_ABXA000080.jpg so I attempted to get rid of the watermarks. It's not perfect but it's better than nothing I guess.
  8. Tofu

    Thank you! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you, too! :xmas:

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