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Status Updates posted by jmusej

  1. I've only actually seen that movie once :LOL:

    That's awesome, I'm still in High School but were not allowed to use tape to stick things in our lockers :rolleyes: I did anyways :LOL: I have a Vampire Diaries poster, a Ray Ban add and a Converse add :chuckle:

  2. :LOL: You're welcome :happy:
  3. tumblr_ldw01gLjOp1qc0skdo1_500.jpg


    My present to you :awesome:

  4. That's what I've heard...I'll watch it eventually :erm: My grandma watches it :eek:

  5. Yeah I didn't like it after the third book but I'm still following it :LOL:


    My mom won't let me watch True Blood :indiff:

  6. I had read the first book two summers ago and I had just finished it and was talking to my mom while the TV was on in the background and I heard Elena and Stefan's names so I looked and I saw the trailer :chuckle: quite strange...


    But then for six months I was all hyper and wanted to watch it :rolleyes:

  7. That's what I said :'( I neeed my show! It's pretty much the only thing I watch other then Doctor Who and Torchwood :happy:


    But Vampire Diaries is my number 1 show :awesome: mostly because I've actually followed it from the beginning...

  8. Every episode that goes by makes me hate Stefan more and more for some reason...


    We don't get anymore episodes until December 2nd because of the stupid freaking superbowl :indiff:

  9. Had a feeling it was that one :yesey:


    He's so sweet :supersad:

  10. What episode are you on?


    I cry almost every time...:erm:

  11. :stunned: Whoa...all I have to do is some math and film a music video :LOL: That sounds like it'll be pretty fun in the end though :awesome: you should defiantly show me pictures when you're done with it :D
  12. Thanks :awesome:


    :LOL: Sure if you want to go to my school and take all my classes for me :awesome:

  13. awww thanks so much!!! Hopefully ill get lots of muser stuff!!

  14. That's a really cool wall! :eek:! I'm jealous1


    :LOL: That picture's freaking hilarious!! Stefan's face :chuckle:

  15. Ewww, I would go insane if my hands smelled like piss :LOL: I might have to take a photography class next year :awesome: I'm taking a video production class this year and it's pretty fun.

  16. That's cool, I've never really taken pictures...I'm 14 and have never owned a camera :rolleyes::LOL: It does??

  17. Yeah it's pretty cool, having a camera in your face 24/7 gets kinda annoying at times but I won't lie for the most part I like it :awesome:

  18. Hello, how are you doing? :)

  19. jmusej

    Was this guy a cute little blond kindergartner?

  20. jmusej

    :chuckle: me and my friend saved a little feral child from a tree last year :LOL: bet you can't top that :cool:
  21. jmusej

    N'aw, you seem nice, I'll bet you'll do something even better then this :awesome:

  22. jmusej

    :LOL: Thanks, that made me smile :)
  23. Dr. FrAnK n FuRtEr, CoMe In My CaVe!!!!!! CuZ i wAnT iT nOw!!!!

  24. You handled that whole Jared Leto thing very well! Congratulations, I would have torn her a new one :LOL: but I have quite a temper, you seem quite peaceful!

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