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Status Updates posted by FaithlessEye

  1. ⓛⓤⓚⓔ-ⓘⓢ-ⓣⓗⓔ-ⓑⓔⓢⓣ

    <3 :)

  2. ⓢⓐⓡⓐ-ⓘⓛⓨ

    <3 :)

  3. ⓛⓔⓞ-ⓘⓢ-ⓐ-ⓟⓘⓜⓟ

  4. ⓟⓐⓤ-ⓘⓢ-ⓟⓦⓝⓔⓓ

  5. ©ⓐⓡⓞⓛ-ⓘⓢ-©ⓞⓞⓛ

  6. yo yo yo homie G.

  7. Happy birthdayyyyyyyyy <3 :kiss:

  8. LOL Leo

    "Wait, is James trying to make a political statement?"


  9. [jackmt1998]: cancer of the penis could cause multiple penis groths

    [jackmt1998]: so you haeva penectomy

    [FaithlessEye]: ...

    [spitting Feathers]: sexy

  10. :( one week succkkksss :cry:

    Imma miss you ;(

  11. LOL Sara we have to make all the titles for them :D <3

    AND YAAAY thanks for the pic XD

    I shall make you one as well <3 :):kiss:

  12. Saraa<3

    Penis of Dom 11: They're Cumming

    Yes? No?

    LOL sorry :$

  13. Its your birthday?! HBD!

  14. Sunday, Feb. 21st, 2010 fun in chat (: <3 PART ONE

    [DOMatika]: penis!!!!

    [Cock Pit]: Carolino has entered at 11:59 pm

    [DOMatika]: i want penis of dom!!!

    [Carolino]: Ok...

    [FaithlessEye]: Carol

    [the_tempest]: carol

    [spitting Feathers]: hi carol

    [Carolino]: lol hi

    [Carolino]: nice way to be recieved

    [Muse_Luver]: PENIS OF DOM

    [spitting Feathers]: matt already has penis of dom

    [Carolino]: how is it hanging?

    [DOMatika]: do u want the penis of dom?

    [Muse_Luver]: NO BUT SERIOUSLY


    [Carolino]: why are we talking about dom's penis?

    [spitting Feathers]: i dont know

    [Muse_Luver]: because its booteful

    [spitting Feathers]: its not doms penis carol

    [spitting Feathers]: its penis of dom

    [FaithlessEye]: Penis of Dom stole she's virginity

    [Muse_Luver]: and I wanna touch it

    [Carolino]: ohhhhhhhh

    [Carolino]: Penis of Dom sounds like a game for play station 3

    [the_tempest]: im an offa nao ppl

    [the_tempest]: byiiiii

    [spitting Feathers]: lol

    [spitting Feathers]: bye

    [Muse_Luver]: cya leozz

    [FaithlessEye]: Byeeee Leo

    [DOMatika]: hahahaha

    [Muse_Luver]: Penis of dom II

    [spitting Feathers]: oh i can imagine what that came is like

    [Muse_Luver]: coming soon

    [spitting Feathers]: you might fight to the death to keep penis of dom out of ass of


    [DOMatika]: i want to do sex with dom

    [Carolino]: LOL

    [Carolino]: nice game

    [Muse_Luver]: or mah ass

    [FaithlessEye]: ROFL

    [Carolino]: Penis of Dom: Chris' Revenge

    [Muse_Luver]: you want to do sex with dom

    [Muse_Luver]: og really

    [spitting Feathers]: and at the end if you win

    [Muse_Luver]: baby he's 32

    [spitting Feathers]: you get to do sex with dom

    [DOMatika]: haha

    [FaithlessEye]: LMAO CAROL

    [DOMatika]: dosnt matter

    [Carolino]: hahaha

    [Cock Pit]: the_tempest has left at 12:03 am

    [Carolino]: I want that game!

    [DOMatika]: i want to do sex with dom!!! all days!!!

    [spitting Feathers]: penis of dom 3

    [spitting Feathers]: :matt chokes

    [Muse_Luver]: Penis of Dom III

    [Muse_Luver]: olol

    [DOMatika]: hahaha

    [FaithlessEye]: LMAO

    [Carolino]: Penis of Dom: The Orgy

    [Muse_Luver]: where is the world going

    [spitting Feathers]: penis of dom 5

    [Muse_Luver]: 12 yr olds think about sex

    [spitting Feathers]: do sex with dom all days

    [DOMatika]: hahahaha

    [Carolino]: Penis of Dom 14785: Sex Ezra

    [DOMatika]: yeah!!!

    [Muse_Luver]: Penis of dom IV Dawn of the Supermassive Holes

    [spitting Feathers]: 12 year olds dont even know what sex is

    [spitting Feathers]: lol

    [FaithlessEye]: I didn't know what sex was when i was 12

    [DOMatika]: i want to have sex with dom im12 and he 32 but dosnt matter

    [spitting Feathers]: penis of dom and the vagina of doom

    [Carolino]: I did know but I didn't wanna do it lol

    [FaithlessEye]: LMAO

    [FaithlessEye]: Im honestly crying so much from laughing right now

    [FaithlessEye]: im starting to shake

    [spitting Feathers]: dont die

    [spitting Feathers]: cos the news will say girl dies form laughing too much on chat

    [Muse_Luver]: Penis of Dom V : THE DARK SIDE OF MATTS ARSE

    [spitting Feathers]: while others talked of penises

    [spitting Feathers]: lol

    [Carolino]: LOL SARA

    [FaithlessEye]: SARA

    [Muse_Luver]: Penis of Dom VI : Dawn of Fantasy

    [FaithlessEye]: STOP

    [FaithlessEye]: I WONT BE ABLE TO BREATHE

    [Carolino]: Then we have Penis of Dom the girl version, where you can wash and brush

    Dom's pubic hair

    [DOMatika]: hahahaha

    [Carolino]: and put pink hearts on it

    [Muse_Luver]: Penis of Dom VII : Spider Penis

    [FaithlessEye]: LOL braids?

    [Muse_Luver]: omg omg

    [Muse_Luver]: pink hearts

    [Muse_Luver]: i luv it !!

    [Carolino]: lolol

    [Muse_Luver]: wanna do that

    [spitting Feathers]: penis of dom the beginning knights of fornacation

    [Carolino]: we all do

    [Carolino]: omg this is epic

    [FaithlessEye]: I am saving this

  15. PART TWO!

    [Muse_Luver]: Penis of Dom VIII : Pink Public Hair Revolution

    [Carolino]: long name

    [DOMatika]: hahahahahahahahahahahaha

    [Muse_Luver]: Penis of Dom : Need for Sex

    [FaithlessEye]: LOL

    [Muse_Luver]: penis of Dom X : Mortal Anal

    [Muse_Luver]: that's the final stage

    [spitting Feathers]: lol

    [DOMatika]: hahahahaha

    [Carolino]: ok sara thats enough

    [FaithlessEye]: SARA

    [FaithlessEye]: WHEN I LAUH TO MUCH

    [spitting Feathers]: FINISH HIM!

    [FaithlessEye]: I MIGHT VOMIT

    [FaithlessEye]: SO STOP

    [FaithlessEye]: LOLOLOL

    [DOMatika]: i want to suck the penis of dom !!!!!

    [Muse_Luver]: final stage

    [Muse_Luver]: I'd done

    [Muse_Luver]: I'm*

    [Muse_Luver]: FINISH HIM !!

    [spitting Feathers]: OH DOMATIKA SHUT THE FUCK UP !

    [FaithlessEye]: DOM SMD LMAOLMAOLMAO

    [Carolino]: :|

    [DOMatika]: hahahaha

    [Carolino]: ez on caps?

    [DOMatika]: is the true

    [Muse_Luver]: Domatika

    [Muse_Luver]: seriously

    FaithlessEye is shocked from Ezra

    [Carolino]: LOL

    [Muse_Luver]: act your age bby

    [spitting Feathers]: lol

    [DOMatika]: i want to suck the dick of dom]!!!!

    [Muse_Luver]: ez

    FaithlessEye claps because Ezra is right

    [Muse_Luver]: ARE U EXCITED ?

    [FaithlessEye]: You're 12.

    [FaithlessEye]: I didn't know what the hell a blowjob was until this year

    [FaithlessEye]: LOL!

    [Carolino]: Domatika go fap and shut up

    [Muse_Luver]: ARE YOU ? ARE YOU ?

    [Muse_Luver]: omg mimi

    [DOMatika]: hahahaha

    [Muse_Luver]: never heard of oral sex XD

    [DOMatika]: I want to suck his penis to dom

    [Muse_Luver]: jeez

    [Carolino]: lol sure

    [Carolino]: WE GOT IT

    [FaithlessEye]: Dom tell your mum tat

    [FaithlessEye]: that*

    [DOMatika]: I want to suck his penis to dom

    [FaithlessEye]: Yeh tell her that

    [Muse_Luver]: Domatika

    [FaithlessEye]: she will send you away

    [Muse_Luver]: don't make me ignore you

    [FaithlessEye]: to get checked

    [DOMatika]: hahaha

    [DOMatika]: ok

    [DOMatika]: but

    [DOMatika]: can i say

    [Muse_Luver]: thank you.

    [Carolino]: domatika where are you from

    [DOMatika]: one last time?

    [DOMatika]: please

    [Muse_Luver]: mexico

    [Carolino]: because you spell like an animal

    [Muse_Luver]: olol

    [DOMatika]: yeah!

    [DOMatika]: hahahaha

    [Carolino]: [DOMatika]: I want to suck his penis to dom WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK

    [DOMatika]: can i say it one more time please?

    [FaithlessEye]: NO

    [Carolino]: go fap and study grammar and shut up

    [spitting Feathers]: lol


    [Muse_Luver]: NO.

    [DOMatika]: hahaha

    [FaithlessEye]: You are the only person to make Ezra use caps

    [FaithlessEye]: Even Jack didn't do taht

    [Muse_Luver]: http://www.salsasnack.com

    [FaithlessEye]: So NO

    [DOMatika]: how i can go in advanced english?

    [Muse_Luver]: this will make you love sex even more

    [DOMatika]: hahahaha

    [Cock Pit]: purpleasure has entered at 12:17 am

    [spitting Feathers]: hi pau

    [Muse_Luver]: POW <3

    [FaithlessEye]: PAU


    [purpleasure]: SARA

    [purpleasure]: EZ

    [purpleasure]: MIMI

    [purpleasure]: CARO

    [purpleasure]: COME WHERE?

    [Carolino]: domatika is spelling like shit and she's from mexico so DO SOMETHING

    [DOMatika]: shit!

    [DOMatika]: hahaha

    [Muse_Luver]: olol

    [Muse_Luver]: are you her mother ?

    [FaithlessEye]: Yaaay now Pau can get in the whole Penis of Dom Stole Shes


  16. LOL XD

    Nothing and yourself? How was your day?

  17. Happy Valentines Day :kiss:

  18. Happy Valentines Day :kiss:

  19. Happy Valentines Day :kiss:

  20. Happy Valentines Day :kiss:

  21. -.- I pwn you. I pwn all :)

    Happy Valentines Day :kiss:

  22. Happy Valentines Day :kiss:

  23. Happy Valentines Day :kiss:

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