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Status Updates posted by tabeykat

  1. OMG OMG OMG getting ready to leave and I'm fucking excited i'm beyond words. Only reason I'm on here, is well I can say what I want, how I want. OMG OMG OMG OMG


    Picture will come when I get back

  2. Me too. But it wasn't nice when I got a response from that. II don't get PM's here. I get them elsewhere. When I saw 1 New Notification I was shocked. And then I called and curse Jay out lol

  3. IKR. But boy was it perfect! Expressed everything i have ever wanted to say to some of the idiots I see

  4. -.- God! He's too good at his job

  5. yup! little bastard. I need a new password system it appears -.-

  6. lmao NOOO I was looking for Jay, he's back on here somewhere

  7. Ooh I like how you think, and articulate what you want say. The one thread we have both been on the "Gender" thread. Nice. and I'm not being sarcastic just an honest compliment

  8. :rolleyes: its only good when you don't have the option lmao. I love the freedom I have hear hehehe
  9. i know its strange. I'll get it in a min. You know how hard it is to train myself that I can't edit posts here. Not that language particularly matters here lol

  10. See told ya. I'm not the only one who likes your work!!!! :rolleyes:

  11. not yet lol. I'm a little more then just a little shy. You will see, or not see lol. I lurked on *unmentioned forum* for almost three months before I even signed up on it and then waited another couple months before I started posting lol

  12. you found me lol. another board meets us lol. Still kinda shy in here though

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