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Status Updates posted by Muse-ic-Girl

  1. What did you do in school today?

  2. Hey Katie! How are you today? :D

  3. A Les Paul that's sweet! :awesome: I'm good too! :happy: Today we had to build a little bridge out of pasta in Bionik! :facepalm:

  4. I'm from Germany! But i would love to live in England too!

  5. Nice to meet you Aysel! :happy: Where are you from?

  6. I have that problem every year i just don't know what to buy :LOL:

  7. That's a lot to buy! :eek:

    Does your boyfriend likes Marilyn Manson?

  8. I'm fine, thanks! :D What is your current electric guitar?

  9. That's cool :D do you already have a concrete idea of what you want to buy?

  10. I'm good :happy: but a bit bored too :D

  11. Hi! How are you today Sarah? :D

  12. Hi! How are you today?

  13. My favourites are the Glitterati, the Black Manson and the M1D1. I would choose to own the M1D1:happy: ... but these Guitars are so expensive! :(

  14. I'm good too, thanks! :happy: I'm Ann-Kathrin btw or just Anny :D

  15. I would love to have a Manson someday! :D

  16. We were in Eastbourne for a few days, then we visited Brighton for one day and London for two days..It was great :happy: Your playing guitar for six years? Then you must be very good! I just play Muse songs too :D

  17. Do you play an Instrument? I started playing acoustic guitar a few month ago :D

  18. Oh I love England I was there last year on a class trip it was awesome :happy: I'm from Germany!

  19. I'm sure you're gonna have a good time :happy: I wanted to go to wembley too but I don't have enough money :( Where are you from?

  20. I'm good too! :happy: Lucky you! I've seen them already for the first time three weeks ago with my brother it was so awesome :D I wish i could go again! I'm Ann-Kathrin btw or just Anny :happy:

  21. I'm kinda bored right now :D

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