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Everything posted by Grace_Bliss

  1. thanks!!! Here's the link for the image (hope it works...) http://www.musicomh.com/music/gigs/gigs_images/muse-5.jpg and i just put the words and ice cream on in paint :)

  2. I think it's ridiculous that you can get edward and bella *pukes* dolls but not Muse ones!! I would buy one
  3. Found another one! 'And it bweaks my heart...' Prague XD
  4. Lol yeah i thought that 2. They kinda remind me of Dell computers, coming in a load of really bright colours..
  5. The Slitheens! They look really cute
  6. Hey, i'm 14 and a top gear fan!! Personally i like james best, cause he is the smartest (and his clothes make me laugh) of course girls can be top gear fans! I know more about cars than most of my mates who are boys, mostly from watching the show lol xx
  7. Hey, i'm 14 and a top gear fan!! Personally i like james best, cause he is the smartest (and his clothes make me laugh) of course girls can be top gear fans! I know more about cars than most of my mates who are boys, mostly from watching the show lol xx
  8. WHAT!!!???? noooooooooo i loved that guitar!!! i bet matt was upset
  9. 'i pwomise you to blow it all away...' in the studio version very sweet
  10. I love Evanescance! (Not quite as much as Muse tho...) they're releasing a new album later this year. What do you guys think it will be like?? x
  11. Ugh! Justin Bieber makes me So does Miley Cyrus. And the Jonas Brothers... So nothing of them plz Maybe................... Something of the Killers? ('i'm mr Brightside' Woo!) *prepares to be murdered in her sleep*
  12. Wow, lucky you...My parents won't let me go to the Wembley gigs :'(

  13. Happy birthday !!!!! =)

  14. I'm exactly the same as you Musemouse. I'm 14 and considering for the future....shouldn't be too hard, seeing as i hate butter cheese and milk... i would kinda miss ice cream though
  15. Are you sure they are splitting completely??... I thought it was just Josh leaving....... Love Haley's new hair btw =)
  16. Well done for the NMEs=) Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into the website...It deserved to beat facebook!! x

  17. Well done on NMEs, you or Dom for hottest male next year =)

  18. You should have won hottest male. >=( x

  19. Well done for the NMEs


    I don't care what anyone else said about the coat, I liked it =) The sheffield gig was amazing

  20. No...i'm not going to any stadium gigs... i wanted to go to Wembley but my parents wouldn't let me :( You??

  21. hey

    thats ok- haha teenage girls like Top gear 2=) we both went to the Sheffield gig=D

    Matt or Dom should be the star in the reasonably priced car one day...lol

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