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Status Updates posted by Yellow

  1. yeey:dance:

    and then tell me what did you thought about the end:stunned:

  2. i'm dead.:ninja:

    i'm reading:LOL: brb:LOL:

  3. haaaai :dance:

    me too

    wait a second i'm not at the computer now:erm:

  4. whaat:LOL:?i'll watch it hmm i have so many films to watch argh:erm:

    you have to watch space odyssey:yesey:

  5. what is it about?

    i've seen last night a film called panic in the skies and it was pretty good:happy:

  6. come come:supersad: it's soo very boring

  7. i did my homework here.:LOL:

    snow:erm:ill go back home in tuseday:dance:

    i'm good.:happy:

  8. :LOL:pigeons:LOL:

    i am at the mountains:facepalm: and on the road dad has put bh&r:LOL:after country music and stuff

    how are you?:awesome:

  9. :chuckle:thanks

    i'm going to sleep too


  10. :LOL:i have a friend in love with hyper music:chuckle:

    you will have my friend:yesey:

    hei actually it was a good film:chuckle:

  11. it's brilliant the plane it's landing on earth with booms and stuff and the instrumental it's bach:LOL:

  12. i'm a nocturnal animal..i'm actually really good at this hour:LOL::LOL:

    fresh and hyper*i'm wearing my muse t-shirt.i wore it all the day:p*

  13. OH NO the plane it's on fire:eek:and it's still flying

    remimnds me of "yooouuuu you're sex is on fireeee":LOL::LOL:

  14. we have 4 holidays like you exactly exacly easter bla bla:chuckle:

    it's 12:29

    waa chicken banans:LOL:

  15. no:LOL:

    we have 2 semesters (half-year or whatever):chuckle:

    oh no they want to shoot the plane down:eek::fear:

    what time is it in sweden?

  16. yes yes hiiiide and ruuuuuuuuuuun:fear:

    i was prefering kfc too but now i love mc chicken :dance:it's so perfect:LOL:

    week 7?

  17. oh oh i have the inter-semestrial vacantion(1 week:chuckle:)

  18. it was very good.i had 2 hours at school and then i was out with friends all the day i think i walked through half of bucharest:LOL:and i ate at mc:cool:

    now i'm watching at tv a movie called panic in the skies about a plane about to crush:LOL:

    heeei have you seen this:matt::dom::chris::dance: love 'em

    how was yours?

  19. i think i've seen it ..but long time ago though:LOL:

    if you'll see a space odyssey you have to tell me what did you think about the final! it's pure genius!

  20. 2001:a space odyssey

    you haave to see it !!


  21. :LOL::LOL:

    noooooo it was the best film i had ever seen !!!!:LOL::LOL:

    *when i;ve read dear dom tom shitty film i actually choked *againt* with my chewing gum-i'm makeing big baloons like half of my face*

  22. yeah miss them too.oh i had once 2 chickens:LOL::LOL:LOL:

    okay byee:kiss:

  23. heei i had 2 hamsters(actually guinea pigs) too but they died(they were 8 -or more- years old:eek:)they died in november .

    it's a S.F well umm a crew is on a mission to Jupiter and they have a computer on the rocket that's very very powerful and it almost has feelings. the end it's speachless .if you'll see the film tell me what was you're interpretation on the end.

  24. magdalena magdalena i've seen a film that marked me for eternity:eek:

  25. i don't:LOL: i have 2 turtles:dance:

    it's called 2001:a space oddysey

    *do youre logo has any colours or patterns?mine it's the classic:p*

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