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Posts posted by mjartrod

  1. Mega FM talked to Matt last night. They asked him when would they be back to Portugal and he replied with 'next summer' and the name of the venue so I'd say it's "confirmed" :) (now we only need it to be official lol)


    Thank god. I knew they wouldn't ditch us again but well, you only stop worrying when you you have a date and a venue :D

  2. I've always harbored this secret theory that quite a lot of the songs that seems really simple actually have double meanings, usually something very personal and often more normal or basic, and then something dealing with a political or scientific book Matt read, and sort of weaves the two together. This completely explains why Matt's explainations of the songs seem bat shit crazy. :LOL:
    Yep, that's what I think too. That he uses Space or whatever to sometimes express something that in the end is very personal and deals with relationships and how people interact.

    You can do that with every song but for example, Exogenesis. The lyrics seem pretty obvious and straightforward and they've said many times what the theme of the song is. And yet, if you read them as if he's singing about a relationship that is disentegrating, it also works surprisingly well.


    Matt has said it himself a couple of times, that these 'big' themes sometimes are just metaphors.


    So yeah, I've not been throwing up into a bucket lately but i agree with you :LOL:

  3. Wait a sec...they've got dates for Latvia and Estonia, and no date for anywhere in Portugal? Considering the fan base we've got, I find this very disappointing. I seriously hope they'll announce one soon, otherwise I find this most ridiculous.
    I wouldn't count on it :( Check the schedule... there's no way they can fit in a Portugal date before or after Madrid because of the travelling time required and in terms of logistics it wouldn't make any sense for them to come here at any other time.


    I reckon the Irish fans and the Danish have good chances to see dates added for them (the french and the german too), but I predict we're screwed :(

  4. there seems to be more focus than usual on northern and eastern europe. check out all those dates for latvia, estonia, poland, hungary...


    my guess is that they're putting more effort now in those areas cos of the stadium tour that will no doubt come next year and will be mainly focused on france, UK and southern europe IMO.

  5. Have I misinterpreted this:



    "To make this process as fair as possible we will only accept one request per email address and successful applicants will be picked at random. Tickets are subject to availability and are not guaranteed by entering the application process."


    It is slightly ambiguous...

    ugh, i think you're right. i does seem that it's supposed to be one request (meaning = 1 gig) per email address.
  6. I'm pretty sure you can apply for more then one gig
    i was wondering about that myself. my interpretation was that there is a limit for tickets you can purchase for a gig, but it doesn't mean you can't apply for more than one date..?


    i hope that's not the latter. if it is, further clarification is needed, i'd say.

  7. Calm down. There's obviously more dates to be announced.
    it's possible there's more to be announced, as there is a big gap at the start of november and at the end of november. (though they planed them like that)


    but they're not gonna add a gig in portugal there. because of of logistics, the tour dates for spain and portugal always go together. the gigs in spain and france are the first and there's no room there to add anything.


    to say i'm gutted is the understatement of the year. i'm already struggling with leave for the second half the year as it is. i was planning to travel to see them anyway, but not having a tour date in your own country is just fucking disappointing. especially when we've been there for the start.

  8. I always find myself going ???? at people who complain about Muse ticket prices. Certainly there have been the occasional odd situation - like in Ukraine a couple of years ago and IIRC, it was acknowledged by the management and more tickets were put on sale at a lower price after the complaints. (ironically enough, when ukrainian fans first raised the issue on this board, they were treated like idiots by some of the very posters who had whined about the prices in the UK a few months before)


    But in general, how are their prices unreasonable/outrageous in their business? Do they charge twice what Coldplay do, is that it? Or it's just that you'd want to pay in 2011 the same you had paid in 2004? (nevermind inflation and the fact that the band has been getting bigger?)


    Muse have had room to charge more in Europe if they wanted (certainly where I live) and still have sold out venues. Yet, I find them at the same price (and many times cheaper) than other acts playing the same venues. And that's without taking in account the fact that yes, lately they've been fond of big toys on stage and yes, those cost money. And that they'd have to be completely stupid to plan a tour that wouldn't give them profit.


    Plus, I'd rather pay 35€/40€ to watch Muse once than pay 6€ every weekend for a month to go to the cinema. If others disagree, well, that's why we are all free to manage our finances the way we prefer :p


    I like Gaga but her stuff is basically throwaway pop, decorated with wacky wigs and false eyelashes.
    Christ, I like Lady Gaga (have liked since Poker face was released) and i woudn't pay to attend one of her shows. It's not just that they're expensive as fuck - i watched one of her shows on TV awhile back and it bored me to tears. So not my kind of thing.

    I was actually glad i missed out on buying tickets to a gig of hers only a few days before :LOL:

  9. I didn't like Invincible until i heard it live. And re: the solo, don't care if it's easy or difficult (and certainly not going to pretend to be an expert either to give my 2 cents on it...) It sounds good to me and that's what matters.

  10. Don't you worry I will certainly not be booing,

    I was talking about other people booing, not you :LOL: I got the impression you were wondering if you'd find people booing at the gigs, that's why i said that. Maybe i got it wrong lol


    I lurves me some Starlight live :phu:

  11. I wonder...do you think the crowd would actually boo or something if Muse play guiding light alot in the next tour? :LOL:
    you can rest assured that what seems to be the popular opinion in this message board really does not translate to a live venue ;)

    people may not like guiding light (i dont care for it either but i dont waste my time dissing it) but no one really goes to a gig to boo songs. it may not receive as many cheers in the end, it's possible the public will be quieter for it than for other songs but honestly, in general no one is there dwelling on how shit a song is lol


    i see you havent been to any muse gig yet so my advice to you - just GO and enjoy yourself :) no need to try to follow any 'trend' because you think it might make you a proper fan or something like that (plus you wont believe how many different 'types' of muse fans there are, this message board isnt really representative!), dont worry about people's complaints that some songs arent good live and that you wont enjoy them... this is all nitpicking. im sure you'll be blown away when you see them, they really ARE that good :)


    Your points are fine and prove that different things suit different people. Personally, i like to move around a lot and lets face it, you cant mosh in a seat :LOL:
    Haha, no you can't - another reason why i prefer seated lol I'd be struggling for my life in a moshpit, instead of being focused on the music, having a good time.


    All that said, i love festivals :) But i think it has more to do with the fact that you can look up and see the sky than anything else lol!

  12. what's wrong with seated? i dont really like to deal with crowds and as im quite short, i dont get to see much of the stage/band if i get standing tickets. so i tend to go for seated in indoors venues.


    plus, you can still dance and jump and scream your head off with seated if you want. which is what i always do :p while having a good view to the stage.

    that said, i suppose it also depends in the country/city you're seeing them. maybe some places 'seated' really does mean having to sit. which would suck :p

  13. oh come on. like you couldnt tell the exact moment when matt was going to sit on dom's bass drum or what the next song would be based on the little intro.. and if you want to talk about varied setlists, BH&R era was much better in that aspect. funnily enough, i dont see anyone mentioning this... maybe it's still too recent for people to 'miss it' LOL


    fwiw, none of that is that important to me. i had as much fun watching muse in 2004 on matt's b-day as i had last year at wembley or at reading this year.

  14. they obviously like the big tricks and so do many of the people who attend the gigs.


    in regards to the stages, they've done a great job in the TR era of doing the big stages with the tricks and doing the simple stages as well. i saw all productions except teignmouth and they were all fantastic.

    i dont see why they should limit themselves to 'simple' stages if they have the resources and the will to go for something more complex. im sure many other bands and artists would do the same if they could.


    (and seeing as you mentioned the absolution tour - overall, not the best example to talk about varied setlists or spontaneity on stage lol..)

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